The current date is 08/18/2017. We want to generate a Report that includes both future and On Hand inventory, In this case, we apply the filters as follows:
![]( The Available On date 08/28/2017 will be our start point. The report will include The On Hand Inventory that by the selected date has an aging from 0 to 7 and the Future Inventory, which is available on the 08/28/2017 will also be included.
This is the future inventory which be displayed. To display future inventory on this report, it is important to select a date between the Available From and the Available To dates displayed on Pricing>>Future Inventory. Keep in mind that if the Aging From filter is greater than the Truck Days After from the Future Sales setting, the system will not display Future Sales inventory.
Once printed, the report will include only the future inventory products since there was not on hand inventory with the specified aging for the selected dates. ![](