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Through this setting Komet Sales allows you to require any user with access to the reconciliation screens, to upload an invoice file during the reconciliation process. Komet also allows the exemption of ports that should be ignored from the AWB Reconciliation process.





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titleFile attachment is required

To set this option for Single Location Companies, please follow these instructions: 

Ui steps
Ui step

Go to "Setup" > Click on "Settings" > Find the "Accounts Payable" option > Click on "Reconciliation Screens".

Ui step

 To set this option for Multi-Location companies, please follow these instructions: Go to "Setup" > Click on "Settings" > Select the "Location" tab > Choose the location.

Ui step

 Find the "Account Payable" option > Click on "Reconciliation Screens".

Ui step

For both, single and multi-location companies, the system will show a pop-up window called "Reconciliation Screens". Here the user can activate or deactivate the option that requires the upload of a mandatory invoice file. Once finished, click on Save. The type of files that can be uploaded are PDF, PNG, JPG or GIF.

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Ui step

 Once this setting is enabled, the system will show a warning message when a user tries to complete the reconciliation process without uploading an invoice file. 


The same warning message will appear for all of the screens in the PO Reconciliation tab. This warning message applies to both, single and multi-location companies.

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titleSetting Up AWB Reconciliation Ports Exceptions

Komet Sales allows the exclusion of any Ports from the AWB Reconciliation Process.

To do so, follow the same steps described above to set up the setting that requires uploading a file attachment in the Reconciliation Screens.  Under the AWB Reconciliation Ports Exceptions option in the Reconciliation Screens pop up window, select the name of the ports you would like to exempt from this reconciliation process and click on Save.

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titleSend PO to the External Accounting System

To determine whether or not to send the PO to the accounting system when the PO total doesn't match the total of the invoice. 


The setting will show for companies that use the External Accounting System and Quickbooks.

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To do so, follow the same steps described above to set up the setting that requires uploading a file attachment in the Reconciliation Screens. Enable "Prevents  the invoice if the totals don't match" option, click on Save.


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titlePO Reconciliation Workflow

If you want to make exceptions to the Workflow to Approve Vendor Invoices the system provides you two options:

Traditional Workflow: with this workflow, vendor invoices will a a Status of Pending Approval as soon as they are uploaded. Once they are approved, they will have a status of Pending Approval by Accounting and once they are confirmed, they will be Approved and ready to send to an external system.

Skip Accounting Approval: Vendor Invoices recently uploaded will have a status of Pending Approval by Procurement (AP) and once they are confirmed will be Approved (A) and ready to be sent to an external system.

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This option only works for users who have the setting "Allow invoice approval on reconciliation screens" enabled.

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