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This article explains how to create and edit your Standing Orders for vendors with a different currency so you are always aware of the cost and price both in your company currency and in your vendor's currency.


Cost and exchange rate entered in Standing Orders (SO's) will be transferred to Prebooks and PO's once they are created, either from the manual or from the automatic process.

Entering costs in vendor's currency while adding or editing Standing Orders:

When a product is being added to a Standing Order for a vendor who has a different currency, the system will identify the currency and the exchange rate set up, so that the user enter the cost in the vendor currency and the price, in your company currency.

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This also applies while adding products in units and mixed boxes. Costs will be entered in the foreign currency and by hovering the mouse over the currency name, the system will display the exchange rate and the unit cost, both in the vendor currency and in the company currency. 

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Ui text box

(lightbulb) Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin, Sales Manager, Sales, Procurement Manager, Allocations.

From the Standing Order Summary

You will visualize costs in your vendor currency (when it is different from your company currency) from the Standing Order details screen and while using the Edit Vendor and Cost option.

How to update costs in your vendor's currency?

Standing Orders created before the 15th of October, 2020 won't display the vendor currency and the exchange rate. To update and visualize multicurrency information for those orders, follow the next steps.

Ui steps

Ui step

Go to Prebooks & SO's>>Standing Order Summary.

Ui step

Search for the Standing Order for which you want to update the cost in the foreign currency.

Ui step

Click on the option Edit Vendor and Costs option from the Actions column

Ui step

Reenter the vendor of the Standing Order. Once you do that, the cost field will be updated displaying the cost in your vendor currency. Hover the mouse over the currency symbol to see the current exchange rate and the cost in your company's currency.

Ui step

Click on Done to save the changes.