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In this section the user will be able to give customers the option of placing an order from Future Inventory through the E-commerce portal.


To place an E-commerce order from Future Inventory follow the steps below:

  1. First of all, create an order using instructions from our creating an "E-Commerce" order article. 
  2. When selecting the ship date the system will display future inventory for that company. Select the date and product to buy.

  3. After you purchase a product from Future Inventory the system will generate a Prebook instead of an Invoice. The prebook generated will not require approval from the Account Manager.

  4. The system displays the "Your Cart" button but you will not  be able to edit the products already added. If you want to edit any information, you should remove the product and select it again. Then, click on the Checkout button to submit it. The system will send an email with the prebook details to the person creating the order and to the account manager.

  5. You will have a new tab called "Prebook Summary" where you can find information relating to any Prebooks generated.


    The price for Future Inventory products is the same as the price in the Standalone Purchase Order. For this reason, if a product have 0 as has a $0 price in the Purchase Order, the system will not display this product on E-Commerce. GPM and Price-list do not apply for prebooks Prebooks generated from future inventory on the E-Commerce purchase of future inventory.commerce



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The system does not allow to purchase products from On Hand Inventory and Future Inventory in the same cart. Please see more information in "Why you can't change the date" link.