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This method returns a list of
Info |
The maximum range for this request is six months. |
Method: GET
Content-Type: URL Params
Input parameters:
authenticationToken (required): Komet Sales security token.
dateFrom (required) (date): prebook truck date from (date format YYYY-MM-DD).
dateTo (required) (date): prebook truck date from (date format YYYY-MM-DD).
prebook (optional)(integer:10): prebook number.
customer (optional)(string:200): customer name or code. You can obtain this value from
the customer.list API method.
customerId (optional)(integer:20): customer Komet Sales internal ID. You can obtain this value from the customer.list API method.
carrierName (optional) (string:200): carrier name.
carrierId (optional)(integer:20): carrier ID. You can obtain this value from
the carrier.list API method.
salesPersonId (optional)(integer:20): customer's sales person ID.
soNumber (optional)(integer:20): standing order number.
customerPONumber (string)(integer:20): customer PO number.
CompanyLocationId (optional)(integer:20): location Komet Sales internal ID.
brandId (optional)(integer:20): vendor Komet Sales internal brand ID.
prebookStatus (string): the status of the Prebook. It must be previously created. For further information read Prebook Status.
Filtering by prebook, date, customerId, carrierId, salesPersonId,locationId, brandId, soNumber and customerPONumber uses an exact match.
Filtering by customer and carrier uses a "LIKE" expression.
Filters are not case sensitive.
Code Block |
| authenticationToken=token_info_goes_here& dateFrom=2016-07-10&dateTo=2016-07-30 |
status (integer:1): transaction status. 1 for success or 0 for failure.
message (string:500): description of the status of the transaction.
prebooks: array of prebooks
id (integer:20): Komet Sales internal prebook ID.
number (integer:10): invoice number.
locationId (integer:20): location Komet Sales internal ID.
locationName (string:200): location name.
locationCode (string:20): location code.
totalBoxes (integer:10): total of boxes.
totalPrice (decimal:10,2): total amount of the order.
customerName (string:200): name of the customer.
customerId (integer:20): Komet Sales internal customer ID.
customerCode (string:20): code of the customer.
salesPersonId (integer:20): customer's sales person ID.
shipName (string:200): Ship To name.
shipCity (string:200): Ship city name.
shipState (string:200): Ship state name.
shipAddress (string:200): Ship address.
shipZipCode (string:10): Ship zip code.
shipCountry (string:200): Ship country name.
type (string:1): S for Standing Orders, P for standalone Prebooks, D for Doubles.
truckDate (date): ship date of the order. (date format YYYY-MM-DD).
createdOn (datetime): time when the prebook was updated. (date format YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss). Time will be in the GMT time zone.
customerPONumber (string:20): customer PO number.
carrierId (integer:20): carrier Komet Sales internal ID.
carrierName (string:200): carrier name.
shipvia (string:10): warehouse or grower.
comments (string:200): order notes.
theme | Confluence |
language | js |
title | Output Sample |
prebookStatus (string): the status of the Prebook. It must be previously created.
isEcommerce (integer:1): 1 when it is an E-commerce order, 0 when it is a Phone / Regular order.
Sample Response
Code Block |
{ "message": "OK", |
"status": 1,
"prebooks": [ |
"id": 1927173, |
"number": |
13010 |
"customerName": "AB Flower Shop",
"customerCode": |
34325 |
, |
"customerId": 34325, |
"shipName":"Store 1", |
"shipState":"FL", |
"shipAddress":"Street 21 Av 90",
"carrierId": 1207,
"shipVia": "Warehouse", |
"carrierName": "American Airlines", |
"truckDate": "2016-07-10", |
"type": "P",
"prebookStatus": "None", "totalPrice": "3,501.50" |
, "totalBoxes": " |
3", |
"isEcommerce": 0}, { "id": 1949612, |
"number": |
1394, |
"customerName": "Eric's Flowers",
"customerCode": "6529", |
"customerId": 6529, |
"shipName":"Store 2",
"shipCity":"Miami", |
"shipState":"FL", |
"shipAddress":"Street 15 Av 80",
"shipZipCode":"32010", |
"shipCountry":"USA", |
"carrierId": 1204, |
"shipVia": "Warehouse", |
"carrierName": "Armellini", |
"truckDate": "2016-07-11", |
"type": "S",
"prebookStatus": "None", "totalPrice": "554.40", |
"totalBoxes": "3", |
"isEcommerce": 1 } |
} |
Panel | ||||||||||||||
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