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From this option, you can add or remove the different ports of origin from where you purchase products.

In order to set up the ports of origin for your company, please follow the next steps:1) Go to

Ui steps
Ui step

Go to Setup>>Settings

2) Under


Ui step

 Under the shipping title, click


on Manage Ports.

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3) The
Ui step

The Manage Ports


 window will open, from this window you can see the ports your company has. By going to the actions column you will be able to edit or delete a given port.

For adding

To add a port, click


on Add a new port. 

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Ui step

Enter the information of the new port in


the Add/Edit Port


 window. Remember the ship days before the truck date field is very important since the system will calculate the grower ship date for the purchase orders with the number of days prior to the truck date as specified for each port (you can also


specify this information for each vendor in the Shipping


Schedule by Vendor). After you have


completed the information, click


on Save.

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Manage Ports in Multilocation Companies

Since the system In the
Ui step

 In the case of multilocation companies, the system allows to

manage the transit days per each port

set up the Ship Days Before the Truck date on a per


location basis. Please read Manage Ports in Multilocation Companies for further information.


Users can adjust the days of transit from the ports to each individual location depending on the length of time it takes for the product to arrive.

Instead of having a standard time of transit between ports and locations, each location will have access to set their respective dates.

Also, the carriers will be chosen depending on the predetermined information of each vendor on a per-day basis; for this feature to be available, the Inbound Truck Freight must be enabled.

This feature will be reflected on the PO screens when the users enter the vendor and ship date by automatically suggesting the carrier on screen according to the settings already configured within the system.

If you have any questions, please contact our support team.




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