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Prebooks generated from Standing Orders (SO/Prebooks) can be modified from the Master Standing Order and replicated to future Prebooks. You can change the Truck Date, edit product information, and add or remove products from future Prebooks generated from the selected Standing Order.

To activate this setting go to Prebook Settings and enable Allow Salespeople to edit Prebooks after Purchase Order is issued



In this article you will learn to edit Master Standing Orders (Master SO), Prebooks generated from them (SO/Prebook), and Prebooks.


Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin and Sales Users.

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This feature allows you to make one-time, temporary, and permanent changes to your orders. You can modify the following information with this process:

  • Add and remove products

  • Add Additional charges

  • Change the Carrier

  • Add Custom fields

  • Place products on hold

  • Change Price Lists applying to existing Prebooks

  • Add Product information

  • Modify Recurrence

  • Change the Ship To

  • Change the Ship Via

  • Split product lines in existing Prebooks

  • Edit the Start and End Date of the Master Standing Order

  • Change the Truck Date of existing Prebooks


Are you making temporary or permanent changes?

If you want to make permanent changes, we recommend you make them in the Master Standing Order.

For temporary or one-time changes, do it from a SO/Prebook.

Edit a Prebook from a Standing Order

  1. Go to Prebooks & SOs and select Standing Order Summary.

  2. Click Edit in the Actions column from the Standing Order you want to modify; this opens the Standing Order and the Prebooks associated with it.

  3. Choose the Prebook you wish to modify from the date tabs at the top of the list and modify it.

  4. Click on Save to store the changes.

  5. Choose if you want to replicate the changes to other Prebooks or if you wish to modify only the selected Prebook.

  6. Optional: If you

  1. want to replicate the changes, click on Replicate Changes, select the date when the changes stop applying to future Prebooks

and click Proceed; the system shows the Prebooks that are not modified by the changes.
  • Click Proceed to confirm the changes.
  • Modify multiple SO/Prebooks through the
    1. , and click Save Changes.


    When editing SO/Prebooks, take the following statements into account:

    • Modifying the Truck Date. If you change the Truck Date of a Prebook for another week, and you update the Standing Order; the system will replicate the changes from the Master Standing Order, and the Prebook may become a duplicate order for the same week.

    • Deleting a Product from a Prebook. Deleting a product from a Prebook does not replicate to other Prebooks. You can delete a product from the Master SO and when you replicate the changes to existing Prebooks, the system will place the product on hold in all of them.

    • Changing the price list of a Prebook. Standing Orders automatically assign prices based on the active price list when generating Prebooks. You can change the price list of a Prebook generated through a Standing Order from this screen with this process and selecting the price list from the Price Listfield.

    • Modifying the Ship Via. If the system has created the Purchase Order for the Prebook, you will not be able to modify the Ship Via of the Prebook. In this case you must modify the Purchase Order.

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    Edit a Master Standing Order  

    1. Go to Prebooks & SOs and Select Standing Order Summary.

    2. Click Edit in the Actions column from the Standing Order you want to modify; this opens the Standing Order and Prebooks associated with it.

    1. Click on the Master tab from the date tabs at the top of the list

    and modify it
    1. .

    2. Apply your changes.

    3. Choose if you wish to notify the Vendor of the changes via email.

    4. Click on Save to store the changes.

    5. Select the date when the changes

    1. are applied to future Prebooks and

    1. click Save Changes

    ; the system shows the Prebooks that are
    1. . The system will show the ones not modified by the changes.

    2. Click Proceed to confirm the changes.


    Changes only affect Purchase Orders that have not been confirmed by the Vendor.

    Modify a SO/Prebook from a Standing Order

    1. Go to Prebooks & SOs and select Standing Order Summary.
    2. Click Edit in the Actions column from the Standing Order you want to modify; this opens the Standing Order and the Prebooks associated with it.
    3. Choose the Prebook you wish to modify from the date tabs at the top of the list and modify it.
    4. Click on Save to store the changes.
    5. Choose if you want to replicate the changes to other Prebooks or if you wish to modify only the selected Prebook.
    6. If you wish to replicate the changes, select the date when the changes stop applying to future Prebooks and click Proceed; the system shows the Prebooks that are not modified by the changes.
    7. Click Proceed to confirm the changes.
    InfoDeleting a product from a Prebook does not replicate to other Prebooks. You can place a product on hold or erase it from the Master Standing Order to replicate these changes.

    Modifying a Standing Order will change the information on the Prebooks generated from it after the changes. If you want to apply the changes to existing Prebooks generated from the Standing Order, select the most recent date of existing Prebooks as described on step seven.

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    Color Labeling - Prebook Tabs

    The tabs on the Add Prebooks page allow you to navigate between Prebooks when you modify them from a Standing Order. In addition, you can modify several Prebooks simultaneously by using a Master Standing Order or individually by selecting the Prebook you want to change.

    These tabs can be one of

    two colors, each one showing if the Master Standing Order matches the Prebook or not. Here

    four colors; described ahead is the meaning of each color: 

    • Blue: The Prebook matches the Master Standing Order.

    • Dark Blue. Master Standing Order. 

    • Gray: The Prebook is different from the Master Standing Order. 

    • White. Prebook you are editing.

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    Color Labeling - Product List

    The item list uses color to indicate the status of each line compared to the Master Standing Order.


    Three different colors give you helpful information about the Items in a Prebook:

    • Gray: Item Held.

    • Green: Item Added.

    • Yellow: Item Price or Cost changed.

  • Gray: Item Held.
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    Roles enabled to perform this action: Sales Users, Administrators.

    InfoAdditional Charges and Custom field changes are not replicated to other Prebooks.

    If you delete the products from the Master Standing Order, their line will be placed on hold in every existing Prebook.

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    If you have questions about this feature, you can read FAQs - Master Standing Orders.

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