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The system allows to invoice boxes, units and hard goods in your customers' currency. This option currently works for Euro, United States Dollar, Chinese Yuan, and South African Rand. Before this option works, make sure of set up an exchange rate and add the appropiate foreign currencies. Read Exchange Rate and Multi-Currency Setup for further information.



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titleHow to set it up

The system allows to set up a company's currency, however, you can make exceptions for your vendors and customers. To set up a different currency for a given customer, follow the next steps: 


The system only allows to set up a customer's currency once.

Ui steps

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Go to Setup>>Customers.

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Use the available filters to find a given customer.

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 Click on Edit, in the Actions column.

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Click on the Advanced link. 

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 Select the currency of your customer and click on Save to finish.

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titleMulticurrency in the Add Order screen

When adding products (boxes, units, hard goods) to an order, and the customer has a different currency, the system will display product prices both in your company's currency and your vendorcustomer's currency from the grid and when adding items to the Order.

While adding the items to an order from the inventory screen, the system displays the price in the customer's currency, however, salespeople will be able to verify the exchange rate at the top of the window or by double clicking on the product name.

titleHow to Change the Exchange Rate

To change the exchange rate read the article Exchange Rate and Multi-Currency Setup.

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Additional Charges

While adding additional charges to the order, you will enter the amounts in your company's currency and the system will convert change this value to your customer's currency based on the exchange rate.

Discounts, taxes, price lists

If you apply discounts, taxes and price list lists to the order, the system will automatically convert change the amount to your customer's currency, however if you require a credit override for any of your customercustomers, you will have to enter this value in your company's currency.

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titleReview totals of your customer's orders

The system allows you to review the totals of your customer's orders both in your company's currency and your customer's currency. To do this, click on the details icon in the Actions column. the system will display the totals in both currencies at the button-left corner of the screen.

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titleMulticurrency in Billing Processes

When creating invoices for any of the billing methods (automatic billing, allocations, fill from open market, items pending to be filled, NSF, Finantial Charges) the system will verify if the customer entered in the Prebook has a different currency. If it this is the case, the system will calculate the amount of the invoice in your customer's currency based on the exchange rate set up at the time of the transaction.

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titlePrinting Invoice

The system will print the invoice in your customer's currency so you can send it out to your customers. The system will calculate prices based on the exchange rate at the time each line was added to the invoice and the currency of the customer.

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titleRelated Articles


Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "currency" , "multicurrency" , "customers-multicurrency" )

titleExchange Rate Changes

If users create and invoice with an exchange rate and then perform any change on it with a different exchange rate, this could affect the totals , since several products within an invoice would have different exchange raterates.

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(lightbulb) Roles enabled to perform this action:

  • Customer Currency Setup: Credit Manager, Sales Manager, Setup, Admin.
  • Order Entry Screen: 
  • Admin, Sales Manager, Cashier, Sales, Allocations.

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