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As soon as the credits are created, they are submitted for approval. Credits can be approved, rejected, reopened, edited. This article explains how to perform this actions. 

titleWho Can Approve, Reject or Reopen Customer Credits?
Create credits: Users with the Sales Role are allowed to create credits and submit them for review.



In this article you will learn how to review, edit, approve, reject, or cancel credits.


User Roles:

  • Create credits: Admin, Sales User, Sales Manager, and Credit Manager

role can also create credits
  • .

  • Approve or reject credits:

Users with the
  • Admin and Sales Manager

role are allowed to approve or reject customer credits
  • .

  • Reopen

a credit: Once they are approved, the only roles authorized to reopen a credit, are the Credit Manager and the Sales Manager role.

Users with the Admin role can perform all the actions previously explained.

Ui expand
titleHow to Approve a Credit?
Ui steps
  • credits: Admin, Credit Manager, and Sales Manager.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
excludeTable of Contents

Approve Invoice Credits

To review and approve credits associated with an invoice, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Order Entry

  1. and select Add/Edit Credit.

Use the filter to 
  1. Search

  1. the order or credit

needed, go to the Actions column
  1. .

  2. Hover

the mouse
  1. over the

pencil icon. The system will display the credits associate to the invoice pending.
Ui step

 Click on the Approve button. The status of the credit will be updated to Approved and you will be able to see it on the Credit Summary tab.

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Ui expand
titleApprove or Reject a Credit From the Credit Summary
Ui steps
Ui step

Go to Order Entry>>Credit Summary.

Ui step Search for an order
  1. pen icon in the actions column to display credits associated with the invoice in a tooltip.

  2. In the tooltip, click on Edit in the credit you are reviewing.

  3. Review the credit details and make modifications if necessary.

  4. Click on Approve.

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 In the Actions column click

Approve and Reject Credits from Credit Summary

The Credit Summary displays both credits associated with invoices and those that are not. You can also manage credits from this screen.

To approve or reject a credit request, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Order Entry and select Credit Summary.

  2. Search for the credit with a Pending Review status.

Ui step
  1. Click on the drop-down menu

and select PaneltitleRelated Articles
  1. in the Actions column.

  2. Select Approve or Reject.

Ui step

 Once the customer credit is approved or rejected, the system will send a notification to the salesperson.

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The system will notify the salesperson after you approve or reject a credit.

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Reopen a Credit

If you need to modify an approved or rejected credit, you can reopen credits and send them back for review if the credit has not been applied as payment.

Reopen Invoice Credits

To reopen credits Associated with Invoices, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Order Entry and select Add/Edit Credit.

  2. Search the order or credit.

  3. Hover over the pen icon in the actions column to display credits associated with the invoice.

  4. Select Reopen.

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Reopen Standalone Credits

  1. Go to Order Entry and select Credit Summary.

  2. Search the credit.

  3. Click on the drop-down menu in the Actions column.

  4. Select Reopen.

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You can find the credits again in the Credit Summary with Resubmitted status.


If you want to restrict a given user from reopening credits that have already been approved, enable the Restrict from reopening Approved Credits setting from the user options. To learn more, read Setup Company Users & User Options.

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