Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



This method allows you to add a


Prebook order to Komet Sales.

You can set up your request to create a Using this method you can create one of the following:

  • Prebook header only.

  • Prebook with header and product(s).

  • Prebook with header and product(s) with a breakdown(s).


Orders created through this method are subject to a transaction fee of 1.5%.



Method: POST

Content-Type: application/


The method requires a JSON format request.





  • authenticationToken (required) (string:50): Komet Sales security token.

  • customerId (required: if customerCode is not given) (integer:20): customer ID. You can obtain this value from


    the customer.list


     API method.

  • customerCode (required: if customerId is not given) (string:20): customer code.

  • customerDescription (required: if customerId is not given) (string:200): customer name.

  • carrierId (required: if carrierCode is not given) (integer:20) : carrier ID. You can obtain this value from


    the carrier.list

     API method.
  • carrierCode (required: if carrierId is not given) (string:20) : carrier code.
  • carrierDescription (required: if carrierId is not given) (string:200) : carrier name.
  • shipDate (required) (date): shipping date (date format YYYY-MM-DD).
  • createdBy (optional) (integer:20): Id of the user that created the order. This value represents the owner ID in Komet Sales. 
  • shipViaId (logical)(integer:1): ship via ID. ID of location where the product will be shipped from. Assign 0 for warehouse or 1 for grower.
  • customerPO (optional)(string:20): customer purchase order.
  • isEcommerce

     API method.

  • carrierCode (required: if carrierId is not given) (string:20) : carrier code.

  • carrierDescription (required: if carrierId is not given) (string:200) : carrier name.

  • shipDate (required) (date): shipping date (date format YYYY-MM-DD).

  • createdBy (optional) (integer:

    1): 1 when it is an E-commerce order, 0 when it is a Phone / Regular order. 
  • comments (optional)(string:200): special instructions or comments.
  • autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks (optional

    20): Id of the user that created the order. This value represents the owner ID in Komet Sales. 

  • shipViaId (logical)(integer:1):

    specify 1 if you want the system to automatically generate the purchase orders. Default = 0. If this value is 1, the vendor and costs must be specified. The orders created will be left as Approved.autoAllocate

    ship via ID. The ID of the location where the product will be shipped from. Assign 0 for warehouse or 1 for the grower.

  • customerPO (optional)(string:20): customer purchase order.

  • isEcommerce (optional)(integer:1):

    specify 1 if you want the system to automatically allocate the prebook that was just created with products from the inventory. Default = 0. The system will apply the same rules that the Mass Allocations process has. Only products with age between 0 and 5 days will be taken in account.
  • companyLocationCode (required: if the company is Multi Location)(string:20): Location code. 
  • prebookItems: array of products:identifier

    1 when it is an E-commerce order, 0 when it is a Phone / Regular order. 

  • useExisting (optional) (integer:1): 1 to add the items to an existing Prebook with the same location, carrier, truck date, customer, and customer PO# and ship to (if applicable). Enter 0 to create a new Prebook. By default will be 0. 

  • comments (optional)(string:

    30): use this field if you want to identify your lines and receive the same value in the response.vendorId

    200): special instructions or comments.

  • autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks (optional)(integer:

    20): vendor or grower ID. You can obtain this value from vendor.list API method.vendorCode

    1): specify 1 if you want the system to automatically generate the purchase orders. Default = 0. If this value is 1, the vendor and costs must be specified. The orders created will be left as Approved.

  • autoAllocate (optional)(



    20): vendor or grower code, if vendorId is not given.vendorName

    1): specify 1 if you want the system to automatically allocate the prebook that was just created with products from the inventory. Default = 0. The system will apply the same rules that the Mass Allocations process has. Only products with ages between 0 and 5 days will be taken in account.

  • status (optional) (



    200): vendor or grower name, if vendorId is not given.
  • productId (required: if productCode is not given)(integer:20): product ID. You can obtain this value from the product.list API method.
  • productCode (required: if productId is not given

    50): the status of the prebook. Only works when the Prebook Status setting is enabled.

  • companyLocationCode (required: if the company is Multi-Location)(string:20): Location code

    of the product.productDescription (required: if productId is not given

  • prebookItems: array of products:

    • identifier (optional)(string:



      description of the product.boxTypeId (required: if boxTypeCode is not given

      use this field if you want to identify your lines and receive the same value in the response.

    • vendorId (optional)(integer:20):

      box type

      vendor or grower ID. You can obtain this value

      from the boxtype

      from vendor.list API method.

    • boxTypeCode (required: if boxTypeId is not given

      vendorCode (optional)(string:



      code of the box type.
    • boxTypeDescription (required: if boxTypeId is not given)(string:3): name of the box type.
    • boxes (required)(integer:10): number of boxes.
    • unitType (required

      vendor or grower code, if vendorId is not given.

    • vendorName (optional)(string:



      stem or bunch are the unique valid values.bunches

      vendor or grower name, if vendorId is not given.

    • productId (required: if productCode is not given)(integer:

      10): bunches per box.
    • stemsBunch (required) (integer:10): stems for bunch.
    • price (required) (decimal:10,2): when unitType is bunch you must use the bunch price. When unitType is stem you must use the stem price.
    • cost (optional) (decimal:10,2): when unitType is bunch you must use the bunch cost. When unitType is stem you must use the stem cost.
    • markCode (optional)(string:50): mark code for item.
    • notes (optional)(string:7): any additional notes.
    • futureSalesPoNumber (optional)(string:7): future sales purchase order number where the product belongs from. E.g.: P057116. Please take in account that the PO # should be the exactly same number that the system has, this means the order 57116 is not the same order that P057116.
    • breakdowns (optional): array of product breakdowns:
    • productId (required: if productCode is not given) (integer:20): product ID. You can obtain this value from the product.list API method.
    • productCode (required: if productId is not given)(string:20): code of the product.
    • productDescription (required: if productId is not given)(string:200): description of the product.
    • bunches (required

      20): product ID. You can obtain this value from the product.list API method.

    • productCode (required: if productId is not given)(string:20): code of the product.

    • productDescription (required: if productId is not given)(string:200): description of the product.

    • orderSource (optional)(string:20): The source of the product.

    • itemType (string 3): the item type. Possible values: BOX or UN (unit). By default will be BOX.

    • boxTypeId (required if boxTypeCode is not given and the itemType is box)(integer:20): box type ID. You can obtain this value from the boxtype.list API method.

    • boxTypeCode (required: if boxTypeId is not given and the itemType is box)(string:3): code of the box type.

    • boxTypeDescription (required: if boxTypeId is not given and the itemType is box)(string:3): name of the box type.

    • boxes (required if the itemType is BOX) (integer:10): number of boxes.

    • totalUnits  (required if the itemType is UN) (integer:10): number of units.

    • unitType (required) (string:5): stem or bunch are the unique valid values.

    • bunches (required if the itemType is BOX) (integer:10): number of bunches per box


    • stemsBunch (required if the itemType is box) (integer:10): stems

      for bunch

      per bunch. You can leave this field empty for mixed boxes.

    • cost

      price (


      optional) (decimal:10,2):


      weighted average unit price. When unitType is bunch you must use the bunch


      price. When unitType is stem you must use the stem



    • cost (


      optional) (decimal:10,2):


      weighted average unit cost. When unitType is bunch you must use the bunch


      cost. When unitType is stem you must use the stem


You can use either customerId or the customerCode and customerName but you cannot use both parameters at the same time. We recommend you to use the customerId which can be obtained from the customer.list API method.

You can use either carrierId or carrierCode and carrierName but you cannot use both parameters at the same time. We recommend you to use the carrierId which can be obtained from the carrier.list API method.

Code Block
titleSample 1: Based on IDs
  "authenticationToken": "token_info_goes_here",
  "customerId": 9999,
  "customerPO": "PO4534",
  "shipToId": 999,
  "carrierId": 1878, 
  "shipDate": "2014-04-10",
  "comments": "Comments or special instructions",
      "vendorId": 999,    
      "productId": 999, 
      "boxTypeId": 900,
      "unitType": "Stem",
      "boxes": 5, 
      "bunches": 10, 
      "stemsBunch": 2,
      "cost": 0.70,
      "price": 2.50,
      "markCode": "text for mark code", 
      "notes": "text for notes",
           "productId": 999,
            "bunches": 2,
            "stemsBunch": 3,
            "cost" : 0.75, 
            "price": 1.50,
            "identifier": "02343678"
Code Block
titleSample 2: Based on codes
    • cost. If the token used belongs to a vendor, this field will be accepted if the vendor has the Allow changing cost option enabled.

    • markCode (optional)(string:50): mark code for item.

    • notes (optional)(string:1000): any additional notes.

    • futureSalesPoNumber (optional)(string:7): future sales purchase order number where the product belongs from. E.g.: P057116. Please take in account that the PO # should be the exactly same number that the system has, this means the order 57116 is not the same order that P057116.

    • breakdowns (optional): array of product breakdowns:

      • productId (required: if productCode is not given) (integer:20): product ID. You can obtain this value from the product.list API method.

      • productCode (required: if productId is not given)(string:20): code of the product.

      • productDescription (required: if productId is not given)(string:200): description of the product.

      • bunches (required) (integer:10): bunches per box.

      • stemsBunch (required) (integer:10): stems for bunch.

      • cost (required)(decimal:10,2): when unitType is bunch you must use the bunch cost. When unitType is stem you must use the stem cost. If the token used belongs to a vendor, this field will be accepted if the vendor has the Allow changing cost option enabled.

      • price (required for tokens type company)(decimal:10,2): when unitType is bunch you must use the bunch price. When unitType is stem you must use the stem price.

  • You can only use customerId and customerCode, or customerName at a time. We recommend you to use the customerId which can be obtained from the customer.list API method.

  • You can use either carrierName and carrierId or carrierCode at a time. We recommend you to use the carrierId which can be obtained from the carrier.list API method.

Sample Request

Code Block
   "authenticationToken": "token_info_goes_here",
   "customerCodecustomerId": "ANG"9999,
  "customerDescriptioncustomerPO": "Ang FlowersPO4534",
   "customerPOshipToId": "2926"999,
   "carrierCodecarrierId": "AR"1878,
"carrierDescription":"Armellini",   "shipDate": "2014-0904-1110",
   "comments": "Comments or special instructions",
  "autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks":"1 special instructions",
   "prebookItems": [
    [  {
  {       "vendorCodevendorId": "ABC"999,
         "vendorDescriptionproductId": 999,
 "Flores ABC",       "productCodeboxTypeId": "Rs55B"900,
      "productDescription":"Roses 55cm Blue",       "boxTypeCodeorderSource": "HBphone call",
  "boxTypeDescription":"HB",        "unitType": "Stem",
         "boxes": 5,
         "bunches": 10,
         "stemsBunch": 2,
         "cost": 0.707,
         "price": 2.505,
         "markCode": "text for mark code",
         "notes": "text for notes"
   },     { "breakdowns": [
    "futureSalesPoNumber": "P012345",       "vendorCode": "",{
       "vendorDescription": "",       "productCodeproductId": "RF567"999,
      "productDescription":"Roses Red Freedom",       "boxTypeCodebunches": "HB"2,
        "boxTypeDescription":"HB",       "unitTypestemsBunch": "Stem"3,
      "boxes": 5,        "bunchescost": 100.75,
       "stemsBunch": 2,       "costprice": 01.705,
      "price": 2.50,         "markCodeidentifier": "text for mark code",02343678"
        "notes": "text for notes" ]




  • status (integer:1): transaction status. 1 for success or 0 for failure.

  • message (string:500): description of the status of the transaction.

  • prebookId (integer:20): prebook ID.

  • prebookNumber (integer:10): prebook number.

  • purchaseOrderNumbers (string:200) PO numbers separated by commas, if autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks is given.

  • items (array)

    • identifier (string:20). The value that identifies the line. This is the same value of the request, if it was given.

    • status: (integer:1): transaction status. 1 for success or 0 for failure.

    • message (string:500): description of the status of the transaction.

    • prebookItemId (integer:10) ID of the product line that was added to the order.

    • productId (integer:20) (if productId was given).

    • productCode (string:20) (if productCode was given).

    • futureSalesPoNumber (string:7) (if futureSalesPoNumber was given).

    • availableBoxes (

      if futureSalesPoNumber was given).
    • availableBoxes (integer:10): number of boxes that are available if futureSalesPoNumber was given.
Code Block
titleSample 1
    • integer:10): number of boxes that are available if futureSalesPoNumber was given.

Sample Response

Code Block
   "status": "1",
   "message": "Prebook was successfully created.",
   "prebookId": 2543545,
   "prebookNumber": 4343,
   "purchaseOrderNumbers": "",
   "items": [
         "productId": 999,
         "status": "1",
         "message": "Prebook was successfully created.Item successfully added to the order",
  "prebookId": 2543545,   "prebookNumber": 4343,   "purchaseOrderNumbersprebookItemId": ""3427612,
  "items": [     { "identifier": "02343678"
      "productId": 999,}

Sample Response

Code Block
    "status": 1,
    "message": "ItemPrebook was successfully addedcreated. toAll the order purchase orders were successfully created",
   "prebookId": 1640006,
   "prebookItemIdprebookNumber": 3427612"010225",
   "purchaseOrderNumbers": "P002989, P002990",
   "identifieritems": "02343678"[
    }  {
 ]     }
Code Block
titleSample 2
{   "statusproductId": 1,999,
         "messagestatus": "Prebook was successfully created. All the purchase orders were successfully created",1,
         "prebookIdprebookItemId": 16400063427612,
    "prebookNumber": "010225",     "purchaseOrderNumbersmessage": "P002989, P002990",
  "items": [Item successfully added to the order"
     { },
       "productId": 999,{
         "statusproductCode": 1"RF567",
         "prebookItemIdstatus": 34276121,
         "messageprebookItemId": "Item successfully added to the order"3427612,
      },   "futureSalesPoNumber": "P012345",
{         "productCodeavailableBoxes": "RF567"2,
         "statusmessage": 1, "Item successfully added to the order"
   "prebookItemId": 3427612,
        "availableBoxes": 2,
        "message": "Item successfully added to the order"

Valid Tokens: Company and Vendor.

  • If you use a Vendor Token, the price, vendorId, vendorCode, and vendorName parameters will be omitted.

  • If the vendor that uses this method has the settings "Allow changing sales price", the system will consider the price sent.

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