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Komet Sales allows for salespeople to Export Details of invoice orders in a fast and easy way in an Excel File format.


Keep in mind salespeople can only access to this report if the "Access to Reports" option is enabled. Refer to Setup Company Users & User Options for more information.

titleWhat information can you find in this report?

Order #The invoice order number. 
Order DateThe ship date on the invoice order.
LocationThe company location the order belongs to.
Customer CodeThe code of the customer.
CustomerName of the customer.
TermsPayment terms for the customer.
Bill CityCity to bill customer. 
Bill StateState to bill customer.
Ship CityCity to ship order.
Ship StateState to ship order.
CarrierCarrier assigned to transport goods to customer.
PO #PO # provided by customer.
SalespersonSalesperson assigned to order.
Product CategoryThe category of the product.
ProductDescription of product being invoiced.
Product LegacyThe legacy code of the product.
QuantityProduct quantity amount being invoiced.
Box TypeType of box used to package goods, only applies to product sold by the box.
VendorVendor name/code of the product invoiced.
PackAmount of units per box, only applies to product sold by the Box or Hard Goods.
Unit TypeUnit type of product being invoiced, whether Stem or Bunch. Only applies to product sold by the Box or Unit.
Unit PricePrice of the unit being invoiced; regardless if it's sold by the Box, Unit or if it's a Hard Good.
Total UnitsTotal amount of units invoiced within a product line item.
AmountTotal price amount for all units being invoiced within a product line item.
Product Accounting Code The Accounting Procurement Code of the product category.
Ref #Optional reference number within the order item.
Order Ref # The reference number of the order


Follow these steps:

Ui steps

Ui step

Go to Order Entry > Order Summary.

Ui step

Use the filters needed to Search for the order(s).

Ui step

Click on the Actions button and click on "Export Details". 

Ui step

A "Send Report" window will pop-up, enter the email that will be receiving the report.

Ui step

An email will be sent to the user requesting the report, so they can download the Excel report. Click to download an example of the report.

titleRelated Articles

Filter by label (Content by label)
cqllabel in ( "reports" , "order-summary" , "order-entry" )
labelsorder-entry, reports, order-summary

titleTip: Payment Terms Filter

Notice that you have the option to filter by Payment Term in the Order Summary screen in order to export the Invoice Order Details of customers with that payment term. (Click on the image to see the detail).

Ui text box

(lightbulb) Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin, Sales Manager, Cashier, Sales, Allocations.

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