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Shortcuts allow you to work faster

when working with

while managing your inventory at the Order Entry tab. 

In order to use the keyboard shortcuts follow the next instructions:1)  

Ui steps

Ui step

Go to Order Entry>>New Order

Ui step

Enter the order Information.

Ui step

Press G+I and the Inventory window will open.


Ui step

Now, you will be able to use the following keyboard shortcuts to add items to the order.


Shortcuts Available

Image Removed G +  Image RemovedB Will take you to the Boxes Tab.Image Removed 

G +  Image RemovedF Will take you to the Futures Future Tab.

Image Removed G +  Image RemovedU Will take you to the Units Tab.

Image Removed G +  Image RemovedH Will take you to the Hard Goods Tab.

Image Removed G +  Image RemovedI Will open the Inventory.

Image Removed G +  Image RemovedS Sell over quantity window will pop up.

Ctrl + D Will place the cursor over the Scan Hard Hoods field.

Image Removed Ctrl +  Image RemovedEnter Will open the dialogue to add items on each(with the cursor placed over a product line).

Standing in a product line, in the inventory screen, press  press  S  Image Removed  to be taken to the search field.

Image Removed  Will   Will take you down to the next line of the Single Order Entry Option. When using the Bulk mode it will take you to the next page.Image Removed

  Will take you to the above line above at the Single Order Entry Option. When using the Bulk mode it will take you to the previous page.

Image Removed Will take you to the next field.

Image Removed + Image Removed Goes .

⟶ Go to the next page (from the Bulk Mode).

⟵ Go to the previous page (from the Bulk Mode).

Tab Go to the next field.

Shift + Tab Goes back to the previous field.

Image Removed From Enter From the Add Items window  will will help you navigate through the unit and suggested prices in a zig-zag direction.

Image Removed+Image Removed Open Ctrl+G Open the Additional Charges window once the order header has been saved.

Ctrl + U      Show/Hide the Aging the Aging and GPM column per line when creating the order.


To access the available shortcuts information, click on the (question) button from the Add Order screen.

Image Added

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Shortcuts only work when the cursor is outside the search fields. In the next example, the keyboard shortcuts won't work since the cursor is over the Search Product field.

Image Modified

Ui text box

(lightbulb) Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin, Sales Manager, Cashier, Sales, Allocations.

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