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Users can set a cut-off time based on the day of the week and each of the Carriers in the system. This feature allows salespeople and e-commerce buyers to visualize how much time they have left for the carrier's cut off, and therefore decide whether the order will be ready to leave the same day or it has to be postponed.



The carrier cut off time works both on e-commerce and Order Entry.  On the e-commerce, the system will also take into account the E-commerce cut off time in the e-commerce transactions, prioritizing whichever one is set up earlier.

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titleHow to set it up

To set each of the carriers cut off time please follow the steps below:

Ui steps

Ui step

Go to Setup >> Carriers and under the Actions column click on Edit.

Ui step

 In the Carrier Information window, click on the Cut Off tab. 

Ui step

  For each of the days of the week, enter the cut off time using the 24 hour format, keeping in mind to use the EST time zone.

Ui step

  Once are done, save the changes and close.

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titleHow does it work?

The following is an example on how the carrier cut-off time works for salespeople:

Ui steps

Ui step

Go to Order Entry > Add Order.

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 Once the customer, shipping date, and carrier are selected, it's possible to see the remaining time before the carrier cut off on the bottom right side of the screen.

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It is important to know that the system will also warn the user whenever the order is being edited or confirmed after the carrier cut off, as the image shows above.

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titleBlock Order Confirmation After Cutoff

Admin users can decide if the order confirmation after the cut off time should be blocked for users with a Sales role. If enabled, only Sales Managers or Admin users will be able to confirm orders placed after the carrier cut-off time. To enable this option go to Setup > Settings > Order Entry Options and select the blocking option as the image below shows:

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titleInventory Types Applicable

The cut off time  (set up either per carrier or on e-commerce settings) will apply to all inventory types displayed on e-commerce, including on hand, Vendor Availability, K2K and future inventory.

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