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This tab will allow you to set up different Standing Orders options, including the automatic generation of Prebooks based on SO's and notifications on changes made on them. In Multilocation companies this should be set up on a per-location basis.

Using the options from this tab will determine what settings will apply to Standing Orders and how these will be generated.

Ui expand
titleDisabling the Automatic Generation of Prebooks based on Standing Orders:

Ui steps

Ui step

Go to Setup > Settings > Standing Order Settings.

Ui step

 Once the window pops up, select the disabled option from the filter and click on Save.

Ui step

 The automatic generation of Prebooks based on SO's is now disabled.

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Ui expand
titleEnabling the Automatic Generation of Prebooks based on Standing Orders:

Ui steps

Ui step

Go to Setup > Settings > Standing Order Settings.

Ui step

 Once the window pops up, select the Enabled option from the filter.

Ui step

At this stage, several options will be given in order to determine how the Prebooks will be created. 

Ui step

 The user will need to specify the number of days prior to the truck day that the system should take into account before generating the Prebook.

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The user will then need to determine whether Purchase Orders should be manually or automatically generated.

  1. Manual: Select "Manually" from the options in the filter and click on Save.

  2. Automatic: Select "Automaticallyfrom the options in the filter.

  • Once the automatic generation of PO's for SO's is chosen, the user will need to establish whether Purchase Orders should be generated as Approved or Confirmed.

  • And sent via e-mail either: Manually or Automatically.

  • The PO workflow only applies for the automatic process of generation of SOs.

  • Finally, the user will need to choose whether the system Should or Should not create PO'S if the SO is not completed.


The system will create Prebooks and POs at the same time, but the system will calculate the vendor ship date for the purchase orders with the number of days prior to the truck date as specified for each port in the Manage Ports section or the Shipping Schedule by Vendor.

 The system will create Prebooks and POs at the same time, but the POs ship date will be set depending on the Shipping Schedule by Vendor or the Manage Ports setting.

Remember that in the case of multilocation companies, the system allows you to set up the Shipping Schedule by Vendor and the Ports of Origin on a per-location basis.

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titleSO Changes Notifications:

Once SO changes are made, the system allows informing the vendors (Please read Standing Order Changes Notification for further information). To activate this option, follow the next steps:

Ui steps

Ui step

Go to Setup > Settings > Standing Order Settings.

Ui step

 Click on the option Enable SO Changes Notifications.

Ui step

 The system allows you to skip the confirmation that appears every time a Standing Order is by clicking on the option Always Send Notifications.

Ui step

 You can also enter additional email addresses to copy the notifications sent to the vendor (one email per line). and enter the email address where the reply from your vendor will be sent to.

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SO Changes Notifications in Multilocation Companies

In the case of multilocation companies, this option can be set up on a per-location basis. Go to Setup>>Settings. Click on the locations tab. Select the location and click on Standing Order Settings.

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titleStanding Order Settings in Multilocation Companies

 The Standing Order Settings can be set up on a per-location basis. Follow the next steps:

Ui steps

Ui step

Go to Setup > Settings.

Ui step

 Click on the Locations tab.

Ui step

 Choose the location you want to personalize.

Ui step

 Click  "Standing Order Settings" option in the Prebooks & SO's section.

Ui step

 Set up the SO's settings based on your location's needs.

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titleRelated Articles

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Settings for Standing Orders only apply for the automatic process of generation.

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