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Komet offers an easy way to fill a Prebook order item with products in the Future Open Market Inventory. To learn more about Future Sales please refer to Future Sales documentation.


This functionality will be available only if the company has the Future Sales setting activated. If not, the option will be Fill from Open Market and it will be only to mark the Prebook.

While using the Bulk Purchasing Mode the system gives users the option to fill current purchasing needs from the Future Open Market Inventory. This option applies to Prebook orders in Boxes and Units. To learn more about Bulk Purchasing Mode please refer to Creating Multiple Purchase Orders using the Bulk Purchasing Mode.


To use this option follow the steps below:

Ui steps

Ui step

Go to Purchase Order > Click on Add PO and search for the Prebook order(s) that you need to fulfill.

Ui step

 Find the Actions column > Click on More Actions > Select the "Fill From Open Market" option.

Ui step

 A window called, "Available Items" will appear. Here you will have the Prebook line item information in the header and a list of the current Future Inventory available filtered by the Truck Date of the Prebook. You will also be able to see the notes. By default, the system will search for the product based on the category and color of the Prebook line item, but you can Substitute the product if needed by just searching for the Sub product.

Ui step

Once you find the product to fulfill the Prebook line item, go to the "Qty to Allocate" column and enter the quantity pending to purchase. Keep in mind that the system will not allow you to enter a higher quantity than what was pre-sold on that Prebook order. Then, hit "Enter" to add the product. If the product selected is different from the product in the Prebook, the system will show a Confirmation pop-up window and the product will be substituted if the "Yes, Continue" button is selected. 

Ui step

After the quantity in the prebook is filled, the window will close automatically and the purchase needs window will refresh. The fulfilled prebook line item will disappear from the purchasing needs screen.

Fill From Open Market for Prebooks in Units

The system allows users to allocate Prebooks in units both with Future and On Hand Inventories.

  • Allocation of Prebooks in Units with Future inventory: If the Prebook is in units and you are going to use future inventory (Not available yet but already associated to a PO), the system will display inventory both in boxes and units. If you select inventory in boxes, the system will calculate the minimum quantity of boxes required to fill the purchasing need. In some cases, since Komet Purchase Orders are only created by the box, a box may have more units than needed to fulfill the pre-sold units amount due to the default product pack. Keep in mind that during the automatic billing of the Prebook order, the system will invoice the amount of units required to complete the Prebook order only and the remaining units will be released to the Open Market Units Inventory.
  • If the settings and Allow users to allocate multiple prebook lines with the same PO line are enabled and the user performs an allocation of a Prebook in units using a PO in boxes, the remaining units of the PO could be used to carry out another allocation for the same carrier, customer and truck date.
  • The system will allow users with Sales Allocation, Sales Manager and Admin roles (provided that they have access to the Bulk Mode) to allocate a higher quantity than the quantity pre-sold. When a user with enough permissions perform this action, the system will modify the quantity of the Prebook (as in the Reallocate option, of the Purchased Tab). In that case, a confirmation message as the next one will appear.

  • The settings Local After, Truck days After and Skip local after will be considered to calculate the maximum numbers of days after the Truck Date to be able to perform allocations from the Future Inventory, in the following order of precedence: 

     1. Local After value per product.

     2. Local After value per category (if number 1 is not set).

     3. Future Sales >> Truck Days After value (if number 1 and 2 are set, but the Skip Local After setting is enabled).

     4. Future Sales >> Truck Days After value (if number 1 and 2 are not set).

     5.  Default value: 2 days after the Truck Date (if none of the above are set).

  • Allocation of Prebook in Units with On Hand Inventory in Units (available when the setting is disabled): In this case, you will be able to allocate the Prebooks from the On Hand Tab, using On Hand Inventory in units. Notice that the quantities are displayed in units.

  • Allocation of Prebook in Units with Inventory in Boxes: This type of Allocation can only be carried out when the setting is enabled. Click on the On Hand Tab and then click on Allocate. The system will open the Product Information window and will calculate the minimum quantity of boxes required to fill the purchasing need. In some cases, since Komet Purchase Orders are only created by the box, a box may have more units than needed to fulfill the pre-sold units amount due to the default product pack.

  • You can also allocate products directly from the inventory. To do so, please read Allocation Process from the Bulk Purchase Mode.
  • PO's that have a mixed box will be displayed with a star next to the product to identify they come from a product with a breakdown. Procurement users can allocate the specific product within the composition. 
  • If the setting Show arrival date and aging is enabled, users will be able to see this information for items in units from the Available items tab.

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(lightbulb) Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin, Sales Manager, Procurement Manager, Procurement User.
