Use this method to get a list of payments with corresponding orders based on the applied filters. 

Valid Tokens: Company.


You must send at least one of the optional parameters in the request to filter results.

You must send at least one of the optional parameters in the request to filter results.



Method: GET

Content-Type: URL Parameters

Input parameters

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

dateFrom (optional)(date range)

Starting date for posted payments.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

The range between dateFrom and dateTo cannot exceed 31 days. 

dateTo (required if you use dateFrom)(date range)

Ending date for posted payments.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

The range between dateFrom and dateTo cannot exceed 31 days. 

customer (optional)(string:200)

Customer name or code.  

controlNumber (optional)(integer:10)

Payment control number. 

paymentMethod (optional)(string:50)

Payment method name.

invoiceNumber (optional)(integer:10)

Invoice number associated with the payment. 

checkReference (optional)(string:50)

Check reference or number. 

updatedAsOf (optional) (datetime)

Use this filter to return only transactions that have been updated since the specified date and time.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss

Time must be in the GMT time zone.

This date must be greater or equal to 31 days.  

locationId (optional)(integer:10)

Komet Sales internal Location ID. Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.

You can get this value from the location.list API method.  

externalSystemSynced (optional)(boolean)

Return only synchronized payments.

Valid values: 1 = Synchronized | 0 = Unsynchronized


status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

payments (array)

An array containing payments.

id (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Payment ID.

controlNumber (integer:10)

Payment control number.

date (date)

Date when the payment was posted.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

customer (string:200)

Customer name. 

method (string:50)

Payment method name.

checkReference (string:50)

Check reference or number. 

appliedCredits (decimal:10,2)

Total credits applied to the payment. 

appliedAmount (decimal:10,2)

Total amount applied to the payment. 

paymentTotal (decimal:10,2)

Total of the payment.

Calculated with: appliedCredits + appliedAmount 

notes (string:200)

Additional notes or payment comments.

externalSystemSynced (boolean)

If the payment is synchronized.

Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = No

syncDate (datetime)

Date and time when the payment was synchronized with an external system.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss

Time is in the GMT time zone. 

invoices (array)

An array of Invoices affected by the payment.

id (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Invoice ID.

number (integer:10)

Invoice number.

date (date)

Invoice date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

customerPONumber (string:20)

Customer PO #.

amount (decimal:10,2)

The order total.

Calculated with: Subtotal + Additional Charges + Tax

payment (decimal:10,2)

Payment amount applied to the order. 

   "message": "OK",
   "status": 1,
        "id": 297405,
        "controlNumber": "54443",
        "date": "2015-09-24",
        "customer": "ABC Wholesale",
        "method": "Check",
        "checkReference": "00999",
        "appliedCredits": 0.00,
        "appliedAmount": 1300.23,
        "paymentTotal": 1300.23,
        "notes": "Customer in Past Due",
        "externalSystemSynced": 1,
		"syncDate": "2017-11-13T16:05:35", 
				"id": 1055599,               
				"number": 436544,               
                "date": "2015-09-20",
                "customerPONumber": "PO999",      
                "amount": 1300.23,
                "payment": 1300.23