
When any of your vendor or e-commerce users ask you for reset their password, you can do it directly from your Komet Account.

Passwords generated in Komet Sales must accomplish the following requirements:

  • Be a minimum of characters (6) in length.
  • Contain at least one letter.
  • Contain at least one number.

The above are the minimum requirements, however we strongly recommend to use passphrases (The longer it is, the better) without spaces since traditional passwords are relatively easy to crack by human and robots while passphrases are easier to memorize and also, most of the cracking tools break down at around 10 characters.

From a Komet Sales account

Go to Setup>>Users.

Select the type of user: grower or customer.

 Use the available filters to find the user for who you want to reset the password.

 Click on Reset Password.

A confirmation window will appear, click on Yes to send a new password to the user. The GIF below will walk you through this process. 
