Get a Customer’s E-Commerce lite settings

Use this method to get information about configurations set up for a specific Customer and User.

Valid Tokens: Customer.

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Method: GET

Content-Type: URL Parameters

X-SALES-CHANNEL (optional)(string: 20)

Valid values: "WEB_APP", "MOBILE_APP", "K2K" , "ECOMMERCE_LITE". 

X-ACCOUNT (required)(integer:20)

Company ID that is using the API.

Please ask the Komet Sales team for this ID. 

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

Input parameters

customerId (required)(integer:20)

Customer ID, used to search the settings based on the configuration for the customer.

You can get this value from the customer.list API method.


status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

userInfo (array)

List of settings.

isMultilocation (Boolean)

If the customer is Multi-Location.

showArrivalDate (Boolean)

If the system displays the Arrival Date instead of the Ship Date to the Customer.

chargeTax (boolean)

If the system charges the tax to the Customer.

isMultiCompany (Boolean)

If the User is associated to several companies.

isEcommerceLite (Boolean)

If the User has the E-Commerce lite experience.

isAdminSales (Boolean)

If the user has the following roles: Admin role, Admin Sales role.

showVendorCodeOrName (integer:1)

If the Vendor information is displayed.

Valid values: 0 = Hidden | 1 = Vendor code | 2 = Vendor name

companyName (string)

The company name.

customerName (string)

The Customer name.

username (string)

The User name.


(Temporarily not available)

enableAccessAppMobile (boolean)

If the user has access to the app mobile or not.

{ "status": 1, "userInfo": [ { "isMultilocation": false, "showArrivalDate": false, "isEcommerceLite": false, "isMultiCompany": true, "isAdminSales": true, "companyName": "Komet Sales-Developers", "customerName": "FLOWERS.COM", "username": "Komet usercomp", "enableAccessAppMobile": true } ] }