Tokens - Company
Tokens - Company
Former user (Deleted)
Andres Toledo
Owned by Former user (Deleted)
This type of token includes all general processes and internal processes. The following methods can be used when Company type is selected:
Name | Description |
additional.charge.add | This method allows you to create an additional charge on Komet Sales. |
additional.charge.list | This method allows you to list all the additional charges on Komet Sales. |
additional.charge.update | This method allows you to update an additional charge from Komet Sales. |
awb.details.list | Method that returns the box details added to the AWBs. |
awb.future.list | Returns a list of AWBs that were previously loaded in the system for the future. |
awb.future.save | This method allows you to create or update AWBs for the future. |
awb.list | Method that returns the list of the AWBs. |
box.code.change | This method allows you to change one or more box codes. |
box.externalcode.update | This method allows you to set an external code to an specific array of box codes in Komet Sales. |
box.invoice.shipment.confirm | This method changes the status of the boxes that have been shipped. |
box.move.awb | This method allows you to change the Master Air Waybill for a set of boxes. The boxes that are going to be moved must be in the staging area. |
box.position.change | This method allows you to change the position or the rack location of one box. |
box.warehouse.receive | Allows to set the box as received in warehouse. |
box.warehouse.ship | Allows to set the box as shipped in warehouse. |
boxtype.list | This method returns a list of box types ordered by the box type code. |
carrier.add | This method allows you to add a carrier to Komet Sales. |
carrier.list | Method that returns a list of carriers ordered by the carrier name. |
carrier.update | This method allows you to update an existing carrier on Komet Sales. |
category.list | This method allows you to obtain the product category list. |
company.list | This method returns a list of companies according to the user. |
company.location.list | This method returns a list of company locations associated to a customer. |
credit.details.list | Method that returns a list of credits with its details. |
credit.mark.sync | This method allows you to mark a set of credits as synchronized. |
customer.add | This method allows you to add a customer into Komet Sales. |
customer.additional.charge.update | This method allows to add an automatic additional charge exception. |
customer.by.user.list | This method returns a list of customers according to the user. |
customer.contact.add | This method allows you to add a new contact to an existing customer in Komet Sales. |
customer.contact.delete | This method allows you to delete an existing Contact from a customer. |
customer.contact.list | This method returns a list of Contacts for a given customer. |
customer.contact.update | This method allows you to update an existing customer Contact in Komet Sales. |
customer.day.service.update | This method allows you to update the days of service and carriers for a group of customers in Komet Sales. |
customer.details.get | This method allows you to obtain the details of a specific customer given. |
customer.list | Method that returns a list of customers ordered by the customer name. |
customer.shipto.add | This method allows you to add a customer ship to. |
customer.shipto.delete | This method allows you to delete a ship to. |
customer.shipto.list | This method allows you to get the ship to list of a customer. |
customer.shipto.update | This method allows you to update a customer ship to. |
customer.update | This method allows you to update an existing customer in Komet Sales. |
ecommerce/customer-carriers.list | This method returns a list of carriers available for a given customer in a specific date range on the E-commerce. |
ecommerce/inventory-available-dates.list | This method allows you to obtain a list of dates when a product will be available on e-commerce for a given customer. |
ecommerce/inventory.get | This method allows you to obtain the details of e-commerce inventory items for a given customer. This method includes the quantity available based on a certain date specified. |
ecommerce/inventory.list | This method returns a list of the inventory displayed on e-commerce for a given customer. This method includes all the inventories based on the setup of the company: On Hand, Future and Vendor Availability in Boxes. |
fedex.order.response.update | This method allows you to update the FedEx Order response. |
fedex.settings.get | This method allows you to obtain the details of the FedEx account (when the integration is enabled). |
future.inventory.openmarket.list | This method allows you to obtain a list of the future available inventory |
grower.block.bed.list | This method allows you to verify if a block + bed combination exists. |
hardgood.inventory.add | This method allows you to add a new product line to the Hard-Goods inventory. |
hardgood.inventory.update | This method allows you to update the costs and prices of product lines available in the Hard-Goods inventory. |
hardgood.product.add | This method allows you to create new hard goods items in the product setup screen. |
hardgood.product.update | This method allows you to update hard goods items in the product setup screen. |
hardgood/inventory.list | This method return a list of products of hard goods inventory |
inventory.add | This method allows you to add items to the staging area of the system. |
inventory.category.list | This method allows you to obtain a list of the current available inventory category list for the Open Market inventory type. This is automatically capped using the E-commerce cap setting. |
inventory.consolidated.openmarket.list | This method allows you to obtain a list of the current available inventory for the Open Market inventory type. This does not include the costs and aging and is automatically capped using the E-commerce cap setting. This method shows inventory in a consolidated way. |
inventory.delete | This method allows you to delete an item from an existing Inventory. |
inventory.list | This method allows you to obtain a list of the available inventory in boxes. |
inventory.openmarket.list | This method allows you to obtain a list of the current available inventory for the Open Market inventory type. This does not include the costs and aging and is automatically capped using the E-commerce cap setting. |
inventory.units.add | This method allows you to add inventory in units. |
inventory.units.delete | This method allows you to delete inventory in units. |
inventory.units.list | This method returns information about the inventory available in units. |
inventory.update | This method allows you to update some fields from an existing inventory line on Komet Sales. |
invoice.accounting.details.list | This method returns general information on several invoices within a specific date range. |
invoice.checkout | This method allows you to mark a sales order as pending approval when this is in draft status. |
invoice.confirm | This method allows you to mark a sales order as confirmed. |
invoice.create | This method allows a user to create an invoice through the API. |
invoice.details.list | Method that returns a list of invoice with their corresponding details. |
invoice.item.add | This method allows you to add an item to an existing invoice on Komet Sales. |
invoice.item.delete | This method allows you to delete an item from an existing invoice on Komet Sales. |
invoice.item.update | This method allows you to update an item from an existing invoice on Komet Sales. |
invoice.list | This method returns a list of invoices. |
invoice.mailbox.setting.get | Method that returns a list of the vendor invoice mail company active settings. |
invoice.mark.sync | Allows to mark invoices as synchronized with an external system. |
invoice.mark.sync.status.error | This method allows to change the invoice sync status with error. |
invoice.mark.sync.status.ok | This method allows to change the invoice sync status with OK. |
invoice.pdf.get | This method allows you to get the pdf file of a certain invoice in Komet Sales. |
invoice.pod.receive | Allows to receive a Proof of Delivery file which will be associated to an invoice. |
invoice.update | This method allows you to update an existing invoice on Komet Sales. This method only allows you to update the main attributes of the invoice. |
invoice.void | This method allows you to void an existing invoice. |
location.list | Method that returns a list of locations ordered by the location name. |
login.forgot.password | This method allows you to generate a new password for an existing user in Komet Sales. |
mail.send | This method allows to send e-mails. |
multiple.prebooks.create | This method allows you to create multiple prebooks in Komet Sales. |
open.credit.balance.create | This method allows you to create open credits balance adjustment. |
order.fedex.details.list | This method allows you to obtain the details for a specific FedEx order. |
payment.list | This method returns the list of payments. |
payment.mark.sync | This method allows you to mark a set of payments as synchronized. |
payment.method.list | Method that returns a list of payment methods. |
payment.receive | This method allows you to receive a payment into the system. |
pick.ticket.scanning.status.list | This method allows you to get information of scanned boxes for each order. |
pickticket.details.list | Method that returns a list of pick tickets with their corresponding details. |
prebook.create | This method allows you add a prebook to the system. |
prebook.details.list | Returns a list of prebooks with their corresponding details. |
prebook.future.item.add | This method allows you to add an item from the future inventory to an existing prebook on Komet Sales. |
prebook.item.delete | This method allows you to delete an item from an existing prebook on Komet Sales. |
prebook.list | This method returns a list of prebooks. |
prebook.update | This method allows you to update an existing prebook on Komet Sales |
prebook.vendor.availability.item.add | This method allows you to add an item from the vendor availability to an existing prebook. |
product.add | Method that allows to add a product into the system. |
product.list | Method that returns a list of products ordered by the product description. |
product.update | Method that allows to update a product into the system. |
purchase.order.create | This method allows creating Purchase Orders based on Prebooks or Standalone POs. |
purchase.order.item.awb.add | This method allows you to add an existing PO line to an AWB. |
purchase.order.item.confirm | This method allows you to set the number of confirmed boxes for a purchase order line. |
purchase.order.item.delete | This method allows you to delete an item from an existing Purchase Order on Komet Sales. |
purchase.order.item.price.update | This method allows you to update the purchase order Item on Komet Sales. |
purchase.order.item.reference.update | This method allows you to update a purchase order line with a specific reference number. |
purchase.order.items.awb.add | This method allows you to add an existing PO lines to an AWB. |
purchase.order.list | Method that returns a list of purchase orders with their corresponding details. |
purchase.order.mixed.create | This method allows creating mixed Purchase Orders from Prebook items in units. |
purchase.order.va.details.list | Method that returns a list of purchase orders with their corresponding details from the vendor availability based on the applied filters. |
standing.order.list | This method returns the standing order list and details. |
vendor.add | This method allows you to add a vendor into Komet Sales. |
vendor.availability.items.list | This method allows you to obtain the list of items available in the vendor availability. |
vendor.invoice.list | This method allows you to list the vendor invoices. |
vendor.invoice.mail.receive | This method allows to upload and invoice to a given purchase order number. |
vendor.invoice.mark.sync | This method allows you to mark a set of vendor invoices as synchronized. |
vendor.list | Method that returns a list of vendors ordered by the vendor name. |
vendor.update | This method allows you to update an existing vendor in Komet Sales. |
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