Upload External Invoices Into Komet Sales

Upload External Invoices Into Komet Sales

In this article, you will learn how to upload an Excel file with Open Invoices to Komet Sales.

User Roles: Admin.

When using more than two decimal points in your invoices, the system will apply a conventional round up on the total price of items.

Table of Contents

Upload External Invoices

To upload invoices into Komet Sales, do the following instructions:

  1.  Go to Setup and select Data Import.

  2. The first step is to select the type of information you want to upload. Select Open Invoices. From this screen, users can upload the Excel file with all the invoice information to be imported into Komet Sales. The Excel file must contain the following columns:

    • Invoice # (Required): The invoice number in the external system. This number will be saved in Komet Sales as the invoice Ref # but will not be searchable. Max. 20 characters. 

    •  Customer Code (Required): The code of the customer assigned in Komet Sales.

    •  Invoice Date (Required): The date when the invoice was created. Format allowed YYYY-MM-DD.

    •  Invoice Balance (Required.)The balance of the invoice. Up to 3 decimals.

    •  Customer PO (Required): The Purchase Order number of the customer. This will be the only data searchable in Komet. We suggest you enter the invoice # of the prior system in this field. Max. 20 characters. 

    • Location Code (Required for Multilocation Companies): This is the code for the location in which the invoice will be created. This field is optional for companies operating with a single location.

  3. Once the file has been uploaded, a message will appear at the top of the screen and An email notification will be sent out with the results of the importing process. If the process is successful, an email will be sent to the logged on user. If some registers cannot be uploaded, the system will send an email notification a link where users can review the reasons why the registers were not imported into Komet Sales.

  4. Once the information is uploaded, you can validate the information either from the Order Summary or the Open Invoices screens by searching for the Customer PO # or Invoice Date.

  5. In the invoice created, the carrier will be "No Carrier" and that the total of the invoice will be saved as an Additional Charge.

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