FedEx Test Environment

FedEx Test Environment


Before moving your FedEx integration into production, FedEx requires you to print a label from a test environment and send it for approval. In this section, you will find instructions to set up the test environment.

Step-by-step process
  1. Get your test and production credentials from FedEx.
  2. Enter your test credentials and enable the FedEx Test Environment (from the FedEx setup screen).
  3. Create a test customer.
  4. Create an order for the FedEx test customer and send the details of the boxes within it to FedEx.
  5. Print and scan the labels to submit for evaluation.
  6. Send the labels scanned and the Label Evaluation Cover Sheet to label@fedex.com.
  7. Once you get the approval from FedEx, move your integration into production, as explained in FedEx Integration.


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