Shipping Options

Shipping Options


This article explains which options can be set up from the Shipping Options setting, including printing restrictions and grouping mode of Pick Tickets. This option is set up on a per location basis.


  1. Block shipping from printing docs for unconfirmed orders: By enabling this option, the system will prevent shipping users from printing any documentation (pick tickets, labels, CCI, Shipping Manifest and BOLs) for orders before they are confirmed. For further information read Unconfirmed Order Printing Restrictions.

  2.  Pick ticket grouping mode: This option allows to set up the way how orders should be sorted within the Pick Tickets. There are three options available:
    • Line: Each product line in the invoice will be a product line in the Pick Ticket.
    • Box: Each box will be a separate line in the Pick Ticket.
    • Lot # & Position: The system will group products by lot # and position in the Pick Ticket.

3. Min. Transit Days: This option applies when the customer has the setting Show Truck Date on Order Entry enabled. This option allows to enter the minimum number of days allowed between the Ship Date and the Truck  Date, regardless the Transit Days (set up per customer) and the Truck Date entered by the user in the Add Order screen.

E.g.  You enter 3 in the Min Transit field. If your customer Flowers Floral has 2 transit days for a given carrier, the truck Date will be calculated based on the minimum 3 days allowed, ignoring the transit days entered for the customer and the carrier.

 You enter 3 in the Min Transit field. If your customer Flowers Floral has 5 transit days for a given carrier, the truck Date will be calculated based on the 5 transit days allowed and the user will be able to enter a sooner date, provided that the min. transit days of 3 is respected.

Min. Transit Days in Multilocation Companies

Multilocation companies will find the Min. Transit Days setting on a per location basis. Go to Setup>>Settings. Click on the Location tab and select the location for which you want to set up the Min. Transit Days. Finally, click on Shipping Options. The rest of the settings can be set up on a per company basis.


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