Add and Manage Carriers

Add and Manage Carriers

In this article, you will learn how to add a carrier.

User roles: Administrator, Sales Manager, Setup, and Shipping.

Add a Carrier

To add a new carrier in Komet Sales, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Carriers.

  2. Click on the Add Carrier button.

  3. Optional: Select the Komet Network Code.

  4. Enter the Carrier name and Code.

  5. Optional: Enter additional Carrier information.

  6. Click on Save.

The Carrier name should have more than 3 characters to facilitate the search in the system.

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Add a Carrier from the Setup - Carriers screen.

Editing Carriers

To edit carrier information in Komet Sales, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Carriers.

  2. Find the Carrier name.

  3. Under the Actions column, click Edit.

  4. In the new pop-up, edit the information needed.

  5. Click on Save.

When you need to add extra information required after the process, add it here to have a storytelling sequence and deliver information in an easy to follow format.

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Carriers for Multi-Location Companies

To manage different locations associated with one carrier, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Locations.

  2. Search the needed location.

  3. Click Carriers under the Actions column.

  4. Find the Carrier you want to associate with the location you chose.

  5. Click on the Not associated link under the Condition column.

A “Carrier was successfully saved” pop-up will appear.

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Map a Carrier with Komet Codes

If you are using or planning to use any of the available K2K integrations, you can save time by mapping your existing carriers with our simplified Komet Master Codes from the Setup - Carriers screen. To learn more, read Mapping - Carriers.

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