Using Price Lists

Using Price Lists

In this article you will learn the in’s and out’s of the Price List screen, such as:

  • Add and manage new price lists and product prices, costs, and box dimensions from the Price Lists tab.

  • Massively update their information and upload your company's price list into Komet Sales to set specific Prices and Costs for every product.

  • Automatically update product information and set Seasons for each price list.

Roles enabled to use this screen: Admin and Sales Manager.

When you enable Price Lists, the system will use these prices and costs to suggest them through the system when adding products.

Why use Price Lists?

Managing prices and product information is easy with Komet Sales. You can add new price lists, update product prices, costs, and box dimensions, and even upload your company's price list. This allows you to set specific prices and costs for each product. You can also automatically update product information and assign seasons for each price list. All of these features are available in the Price Lists tab.

Managing product information and prices can be challenging, but Komet Sales is here to simplify it for you. Our platform provides various features that enable you to add and manage your pricing with price lists and update product prices, box dimensions, and costs quickly and efficiently.

When you enable Price Lists, the system will use these prices and costs to suggest them through the system when you add products.

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Types of Price Lists

There are three types of Price Lists:

  • Prebook Price List. This list applies to Prebook Orders.

  • Open Market Price List. This list applies to Open Market Sales.

  • Standing Order Price List. This list applies to Orders generated through Standing Orders.

When you create a Price List, you can set it as a Default or a Master Price List. Here is an explanation of both types:

  • Master Price List. A Master Price List applies to the whole company. When choosing a Price List as Master, the system uses it to create an order for a customer with no set Price List. There can only be one Master Price List.

  • Default Price List. A Default Price List lists products with a defined base price for each item. This price list applies to every customer and season. A Default Price List is a base for each price list you create and the season assigned to them.

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Enable Price Lists

To use the Price and Cost Lists screen, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Settings.

  2. Select Price Lists from the Customers group.

  3. Activate Enable Price Lists.

  4. Enable Include Costs to include costs and assign them to specific Vendors.

  5. Enable Price List Automatic Addition to automatically add new product packs to Price Lists.

  6. Click Save to store the changes.

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Manage Price Lists

From this screen, you can add new Price Lists, edit them, create Seasons, associate customers, manage prices, and export them to PDF and Excel files.

Add a Price List

To add or create a new price list, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Price Lists in the Setup tab.

  2. Click on New Price List. 

  3. Fill out the information and select the Price List type in the pop-up message.

  4. Click on Save.

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Add products to a Price List

After creating a new Price List, you must add products and their information. Products are added through Seasons. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the dropdown button in the Actions column and select Edit.

  2. Click on New Season.

  3. Enter the name of the new Season and select the date range when the Season is effective; you can also leave the End Date field empty to keep the Season going.

  4. Add products. You can copy them from a previous Price List, upload them from a Master Template, or add the products manually.

  5. Click Save to store the new Season in the Price List.

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Master Template

A Master Template is an Excel file to add all your prices and costs to every product in Komet Sales. Once all the information is added, you can upload the file to Komet Sales, and the system automatically adds them to a price list in Komet Sales.

To download a Master Template, click on the Actions button at the top left of the list and select Download Master Template.

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Manage Products from a Price List

To modify the product information, click on the Actions column from the Price List you want to change and select Manage Products. This takes you to the Global Pricing screen to modify products from your Price List.

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Associate Customers to a Price List

Associating a Customer to a Price List sets the prices a particular customer will see when buying products from you. This way, you can create multiple price lists to use with each customer depending on the negotiations on product prices your company has with them. To associate a Customer to a Price List, follow these instructions:

  1. Click on the Actions column from the Price List you want to modify.

  2. Select Associate Customers.

  3. Select the customers you wish to associate to the Price List and use the > button to move them to the Selected Customers Column. You can also move every available customer by clicking on the >> button.

  4. Click Save to store the changes.

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Price List Actions

In the Actions column, you can do the following actions for each Price List:

  • Edit. Edit the information from the Price List, and add or remove seasons.

  • Associate Customers. Associate or remove customers from a particular Price List.

  • Manage Products. Re-directs to Global Pricing to modify individual product information within the Price List.

  • Export Price List. Export the Price List in PDF or Excel format.

  • Delete. Delete the selected Price List.

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Global Pricing

You can add items to your Price List and change product Prices, Box Type, Cost, and Vendor from this screen. Changes can be done individually by product or massively for several products at a time. You can also calculate the estimated landed cost on this page by selecting the date at the top. 

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Add Items to a Price List

To manually add products to a Price List from the Global Pricing screen, click on Add New Item to Price List, fill out the product information, and click Save

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Individual Product Update

To modify or select the Vendor, Box Type, Cost, and Price for a particular product on the product list, use the editable fields under each column on the product line. You can also duplicate and remove lines by going to the Actions column.

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Prices - Mass Update

To modify prices from entire Price Lists, there is a process called Prices Mass Update; follow these instructions to do so:

  1. In the Global Pricing screen, click the Actions button at the top left of the list.

  2. Select Price List - Prices Mass Update. 

  3. Choose the way you wish to modify the prices:

    1. Change Prices in Dollars.

    2. Increase or Decrease Prices in Dollars or Percentages.

  4. Input the amount and click Continue.

  5. Click on Yes to confirm the update.

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Costs - Mass Update

To modify the Costs from entire Price Lists, there is a process called Costs - Mass Update. To do so, follow these instructions:

  1. Click the Actions button at the top left of the list in the Global Pricing screen.

  2. Select Price List - Costs Mass Update. 

  3. Choose the way you wish to modify the costs:

    1. Change Costs in Dollars.

    2. Increase or Decrease Costs in Dollar or Percentage.

  4. Input the amount and click Continue.

  5. Click on Yes to confirm the update.

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Standing Order - Mass Update

You can modify the prices from Prebooks and Purchase Orders created through Standing Orders with the prices from a previous Price List through a Standing Order Mass Update.

There are two types of mass updates you can make:

SO - Master - Mass Update

The changes made through this action only affect the Master Standing Order.

  1. In the Global Pricing screen, search for the Price List you wish to modify and apply all the filters to which you want to apply changes.

  2. Click the Actions button located at the top left of the list.

  3. Select SO - Master - Mass Update. 

  4. Click Proceed.

  5. Type Confirm in the pop-up message to apply changes.

SO - PB&PO - Mass Update

These changes apply to existing Prebooks and Purchase Orders.

  1. In the Global Pricing screen, search for the Price List you wish to modify and apply all the filters to which you want to apply changes.

  2. Click the Actions button located at the top left of the list.

  3. Select SO - PB&PO - Mass Update. 

  4. Click Proceed.

  5. Type Confirm in the pop-up message to apply changes.

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Export Price Lists

You can export your company’s price lists in Excel from the Global Pricing screen. To do this, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Price Lists.

  2. Click on Product Prices.

  3. Search the Price List you want to export.

  4. Click on Actions.

  5. Select Export to Excel from the dropdown menu.

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