This method returns a list of prebooks with their corresponding details.
Input parameters:
- authenticationToken (required): Komet Sales security token.
- date (required yyyy-MM-dd): Prebook truck date
- prebook: Prebook number.
- customer: Customer name or code.
- customerId: Customer id, used to search prebooks from only one customer.
- carrier: Carrier name.
- carrierId: Carrier Id
- salesPersonId: Customer's Sales Person id
- soNumber: Standing Order Number
- customerPONumber: Customer PO Number
- locationId: Location id
- totalPrice:
- brandId: Vendor's brand id
Filtering by prebook, date, customerId, carrierId, salesPersonId,locationId, brandId, soNumber and customerPONumber uses an exact match.
Filtering by customer and carrier uses a "LIKE" expression.
Filters are not case sensitive.
The fields in bold will be always listed in the response.
- status
- message
- prebooks: Array of prebooks
- id
- number
- locationId
- locationCode
- locationName
- customerName
- customerId
- customerCode
- type: S for Standing Orders, P for standalone Prebooks.
- truckDate
- customerPONumber
- carrierName
- carrierId
- shipvia
- comments
- details: Array of Prebook Details
- vendorId
- vendorName
- productId
- productDescription
- totalBoxes
- boxType
- bunches
- stemsBunch
- unitPrice
- units
- unitType
- totalUnits
- totalPrice
- markCode
- brandId
- brandName
- breakdowns: Array of breakdowns
- productId
- productDescription
- stemsBunch
- bunches
- price