Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
This method allows you

Use this method to create multiple


Prebooks in Komet Sales.


Valid Tokens: Company.

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cqllabel in ( "prebooks" , "prebooks-creation" , "prebook-api" , "company-token" )



Method: POST

Content-Type: application/JSON

Input Parameters

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)


Komet Sales security token.

customerCode (required)(string:20)

: customer

Customer code.

customerName (required)(string:200)

: customer

Customer name.

customerBillingStreet (required) (string:200)

: customer

Customer billing street address.

customerBillingCity (required)(string:200)

: customer

Customer billing address city.

customerBillingState (required)(string:200)

: customer

Customer billing address state.

customerBillingZipcode (required)(string:200)

: customer billing zipcode

Customer billing address ZIP code.

customerBillingCountry (required)(string:200)

: customer

Customer billing address country.

customerShippingStreet (required)(string:200)

: customer

Customer shipping address street.

customerShippingCity (required)(string:200)

: customer

Customer shipping address city.

customerShippingState (required)(string:200)

: customer

Customer shipping address state.

customerShippingZipcode (required)(string:200)

: customer shipping zipcode

Customer shipping address ZIP code.

customerShippingCountry (required)(string:200)

: customer

Customer shipping address country.

customerPhone (required)(string:100)

: customer

Customer phone. 


shipViaId (logical)(integer:1)

: ship via ID. ID of location where the product will be shipped from. Assign 0 for warehouse or 1 for grower.

Location’s Ship Via ID.

Valid values: 0 = Warehouse | 1 = Grower

customerPO (optional)(string:20)

: customer purchase order

Customer Purchase Order number.

autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks (optional)(integer:1)

: specify 1 if

Generate Purchase Orders from the Prebooks.

If you want

the system

to automatically generate the

purchase orders. Default = 0. If this value is 1, the vendor and costs must be specified. The orders created will be left as Approved

Purchase Orders, you must enter the vendorCode, vendorName and costs parameters.

Created orders will have Approved status.

Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = No

Default is zero.

companyLocationCode (required

: if the company is Multi Location



Location code

prebookItems: array of products:


Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.

prebookItems (array)

An array containing products.

carrierCode (required)(string:20)

: carrier

Carrier code.

carrierName (required)(string:200)

: carrier

Carrier name.

shipDate (required)(date)

: shipping date (date format

Shipping date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD


identifier (required)(string:30)

: use

Use this field to identify


product lines and receive the same value in the response.

vendorCode (required


if autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks


= 1)(string:20)

: vendor

Vendor or


Grower code.

vendorName (required: if autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks


= 1)(string:200)

: vendor

Vendor or


Grower name.

productCode (required)(string:20)


Product code

of the product


productDescription (required)(string:200)


Product description

of the product



boxTypeCode (required)(string:3)

: code of the box type

Box type code.

boxes (required)(integer:10)

: number

Number of boxes.

unitType (required) (string:5)

: stem or bunch are the unique valid values.

Unit type.

Valid values: Stem or Bunch

bunches (required)(integer:10)

: bunches

Bunches per box.

stemsBunch (required)(integer:10)

: stems for bunch

Stems per Bunch.

cost (required: if autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks


= 1)(decimal:10,2)

: when unitType is Bunch you must use the bunch cost. When unitType is Stem you must use the stem cost

Cost per Unit according to the selected unitType.

price (required)(decimal:10,2)

: when unitType is bunch you must use the bunch price. When unitType is stem you must use the stem price

Price per Unit according to the selected unitType.

markCode (optional)(string:50)


Item mark code

for item


notes (optional)(string:200)

: any additional

Additional notes.

boxWeight (optional)(decimal:10,2)


Weight of one box in kilograms. 

boxLength (optional)(decimal:10,2)


Length of one box in inches. 

boxWidth (optional)(decimal:10,2)


Width of one box in inches. 

boxHeight (optional)(decimal:10,2)


Height of one box in inches.


Sample Request

Code Block
  "authenticationToken": "token_info_goes_here",
  "customerCode": "ANG",    
  "customerName": "Ang Flowers",
  "customerBillingStreet": "900 Avenue # 5434",
  "customerBillingCity": "Miami",
  "customerBillingState": "Florida",
  "customerBillingZipcode": "24534",
  "customerBillingCountry": "USA",
  "customerShippingStreet": "900 Avenue # 5434",
  "customerShippingCity": "Miami",
  "customerShippingState": "Florida",
  "customerShippingZipcode": "24534",
  "customerShippingCountry": "USA",
  "customerPO": "2926",
  "customerPhone": "(864) 242-43432",
  "shipViaId": "1",
      "carrierCode": "FX",
      "shipDate": "2015-09-11",
      "identifier": "2926-1",
      "vendorCode": "ABC",
      "vendorName": "Flores ABC",
      "productCode": "Rs55B",
      "productDescription":"Roses 55cm Blue",
      "boxTypeCode": "HB",
      "unitType": "Stem",
      "boxes": 5, 
      "bunches": 10, 
      "stemsBunch": 2,
      "cost": 0.70,
      "price": 2.50,
      "markCode": "text for mark code", 
      "notes": "text for notes"



status (integer:1)

: transaction

Transaction status.

1 for success or 0 for failure.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

: description of the status of the transaction

Transaction status description.

items (array)

An array containing products in the Prebook.

identifier (string:20)

. The value that identifies the line. This is the same value of the request. 

Line ID value.

status: (integer:1)

: transaction

Transaction status.

1 for success or 0 for failure.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

: description of the status of the transaction

Transaction status description.

prebookId (integer:20)

: prebook ID that was created

Prebook ID.

prebookNumber (string:10)


Prebook number

that was created



prebookItemId (integer:10)

ID of the product line that was added to the order

Product line ID.

purchaseOrderNumber (string:20)

PO number that was created, if

Purchase Order number iif autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks is given.

Sample Response

Code Block
  "status": "1",
  "message": "Prebooks ware successfully created.",
  "items": [
        "identifier": "2926-1",
        "status": 1,
        "message": "Item successfully added to the order",
        "prebookId": 2543545,
        "prebookNumber": "432342",
        "purchaseOrderNumber": "P034534",
        "prebookItemId": 3427612
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