Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.
Returns a list of Purchase Orders with their corresponding details from the

Use this method to get a detailed list of Purchase Orders from Vendor Availability based on the applied filters.


Valid Tokens: Company.

Filter by label (Content by label)
titleRelated Articles
cqllabel in ( "purchase-orders" , "vendor-availability" , "purchase-order-management" )




Input parameters

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)


Komet Sales security token.

purchaseOrderNumbers (


required if purchaseOrderItemIds is not sent)(string:200)

: purchase order

Purchase Order number.



You may send a set of numbers separated by commas.


purchaseOrderItemIds (


required if purchaseOrderNumbers is not sent)(string:200)

: A set of purchase order item IDs separated by commas. This is very useful for the Vendor Availability integration. 

Purchase Order Item ID.

You can send multiple IDs separating each value with a comma.

 shipDate (optional)(date)

: the date when the order will be shipped. (format

Shipping date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

).You must send at least one of these filters: purchaseOrderNumbers or purchaseOrderItemIds. 


Code Block



status (integer:1)

: transaction

Transaction status.

1 for success or 0 for failure.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

: description of the status of the transaction

Transaction status description.


: array of purchase orders


An array containing Purchase Orders.

id (integer:20)


Komet Sales internal

purchase order

Purchase Order ID.

number (integer:10)

: purchase order

Purchase Order number.

shipDate (date)

: order

Order ship date.


Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

details (array)


details: array of purchase orders

An array containing Purchase Order details.

poItemId (integer:20)

: PO item internal

Komet Sales internal PO Item ID.


: details of the vendor availability


An array containing Vendor Availability items associated with this line of the order.


productDescription (string:200)

: product

Product description.

availableFrom (date)

: The

The date when the product was available from the vendor.


Date format: YYYY-MM-DD


postHarvest (string:20)

: post



unitType (string:20)

: unit

Unit type.

Valid values: Stem or Bunch.


unitsAllocated (integer:10)

: number

Number of units allocated to this line of the order.

downgraded (boolean)

: true if

If the product was downgraded.

Valid values: True | False

originalProductDescription (string:200)

: Product

Original product where the item was downgraded from. 

Sample Response

Code Block
  "status": 1,
  "message": "Successful",
  "purchaseOrders": [
      "id": 1358112,
      "number": "P002296",
      "shipDate": "2016-12-15",
      "details": [
          "poItemId": 5131941,
          "vendorAvailabilityDetails": [
              "productDescription": "Roses Yellow Yokohama 70",
              "availableFrom": "2016-12-10",
              "postHarvest": "C4",
              "downgraded": false,
              "originalProductDescription": "",
              "unitType": "Bunch",
              "unitsAllocated": 2
          "poItemId": 5131943,
          "vendorAvailabilityDetails": [
              "productDescription": "Yellow Roses Yokohama 50",
              "availableFrom": "2016-12-10",
              "postHarvest": "C4",
              "downgraded": true,
              "originalProductDescription": "Roses Yellow Yokohama 70",
              "unitType": "Stem",
              "unitsAllocated": 27
          "poItemId": 5131947,
          "vendorAvailabilityDetails": [
              "productDescription": "Yellow Roses Yokohama 50",
              "availableFrom": "2016-12-10",
              "postHarvest": "C4",
              "downgraded": true,
              "originalProductDescription": "Roses Yellow Yokohama 60",
              "unitType": "Bunch",
              "unitsAllocated": 9
titleRelated Articles
Filter by label (Content by label)showLabelsfalsemax10showSpacefalsesorttitlecqllabel in ( "vendor-availability" , "purchase-order-summary" , "purchase-order" )labelspurchase-order purchase-order-summary vendor-availability
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