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ExcerptEl sistema permite a las compañías realizar sus cierres contables mediante la configuración de facturas contables, según la normatividad de la entidad tributaria. Este artículo explica cómo configurar y generar las facturas contables



The system allows Grower Companies to carry out their countable ends through the Accounting Invoices feature according to the taxation legislationion of each country. This article is on how to set up and generate Accounting Invoices.


Para efectos de la presente documentación se hablará de remisiones, haciendo referencia a las órdenes generadas en Komet desde la pantalla de Ventas>>Agregar Orden. Es posible que su compañía se refiera a estas como facturas, órdenes de venta, remisiones o proformas. Todos estos términos hacen referencia al mismo tipo de órdenes.For the current documentation we will refer as "receipt" for the sales orders generated from the Order Entry>>Add Order screen. It is possible that your company names these type of orders as invoices, proforma invoices or receipts. All these terms refer to the same type of orders. The name given to the sales orders can be changed from the Accounting Invoice setup screen. The name chosen will appear in the orders generated and printed in PDF.

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El sistema no permitirá realizar cambios a remisiones que ya estén asociados a una factura contable
titleCambios en Remisiones
Changes on Receipts

The system does not allow to perform changes on sales orders already associated to an Accounting invoice, including manual editing, automatic billing, and editing invoices through API methods.

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