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The shipping manifest is a document listing the cargo. It contains details regarding Carriers, where the shipment is from, BOL details, among others. To obtain a PDF version of it, please, follow these intructions:


Ui steps

Ui step

Go to Tracking > Truck Summary 

Ui step

Locate the column Actions at the right side of the screen, and hover your cursor over the carrier and a down-pointing arrow will appear. Click it and select Shipping Manifest.

This option will allow you to export the Shipping Manifest as a PDF document and such document will have the column Units or Hard Goods if they were previously enabled as per the following article instruction: . When both checkboxes are enabled, the Units or Hard Goods column will be displayed on the Truck Summary, as well. You will be able to find these two new columns on Truck Summary, the Shipping Manifest and Export Details

Ui step

Once generated, this document will have the following format:

The previous sample has the option Sell by units activated, therefore, it shows a column for Units. This setting can also be applied for Hard Goods.


Invoices with Units or Hard Goods will not have any information on the Weight or Volume columns in the Shipping Manifest report.

Ui step

To generate the Details document as a .xlsx (to print it, if needed) Locate the button Export Details at the top of the grid, under Truck Summary.

Once generated, this document will have the following format:

The previous sample has the option Sell by units activated, therefore, it shows a column for Units. This setting can also be applied for Hard Goods.

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