Truck Summary

Truck Summary


Similar to how users can track AWB, users also have the option to track truck freights on the Truck Summary option. Tracking can also be done on a truck level. In this way, the user will have more control over the orders that each carrier will ship to the customers. Truck Summary allows users to view the status of truck shipments, as well as other elements related to this process. In this tab, you have the option print the Shipping Manifest for a specific shipping.


To view the Truck Summary, please follow this instructions

 If the Shipping Manifest is needed you can visit the following page: Shipping Manifest.

You can also print the BOL (Bill of Lading), the Labels, the BOL Consolidated and the Shipping Manifest by clicking under the Actions column for Further information about the information contained in the BOLs, please read Print Bills of Lading (BOLs).


Use the BOL Status filter to know for which orders the BOL document (Bill of Lading) has already been generated or it is still pending to print.

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