Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.



Komet Sales allows users to sell by units. This option allows the sales person to open any box within the system and sell all units inside one by one. Anyone with access to the Order Entry tab will be able to do this without restrictions.

WarningRequires an Administrator

User Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin, Sales, Procurement,


and Accounting



Table of Contents

Table of Contents
excludeTable of Contents

Enable the Sales by Unit Option

This option can be enabled by going to:

Ui steps
Ui step

Setup > Settings > Order Entry and clicking on the "Sell by Units" option.

Ui step

The "Sell by Units Options" window will pop-up, place a checkmark on the "Sell by Units"  box to be able to sell and view inventory by units.

Ui stepOnce you check the Sell By Units boxyou will be able to configure the next options.

To enable selling by units, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Settings.

  2. Click on Sell by Units from the Order Entry group of settings.

  3. Check the Sell by Units box.

  4. Configure the settings.

  5. Click on Save.

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Sell by Units Options

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titleSell by Units Only
When this option is enabled, the

The system will only allow

the user

users to add units while creating orders from the

 Order Entry 

Order Entry >

 Add Order screen

Add Order screen when this option is enabled. Boxes and hard goods will not be available. 

To enable

this option, follow these steps: Ui steps
Ui step

Go to Setup > Settings > Order Entry > Sell By Units.

Ui step The "Sell By Units Options" window will pop-up, on the option "Sell by Units Only" check the box to enable the option and click on Save

this setting, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select Settings.

  2. Click on Sell by Units from the Order Entry group of settings.

  3. Enable the option Sell by Units Only.

  4. Click on Save

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Show Products Associated to a Price List

When the Sell by Units Only setting is enabled, the system will display an option

that allows

to display only products associated


with a price list for the selected customer when adding products to an order from the Order Entry screen.

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Keep in mind that this option only works for price


list type All or Open Market and will take into account the season that applies for the Order Date selected. Master Price Lists will not be taken into account.

This is how a salesperson will see the available products from the Order Entry. Note that the products displayed also change when the order date is changed

, the products displayed also change,

since a different season or price list might apply


to the customer. In any case, the system


allows the

option to

display of all the available products.

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Sell by Units



The user can choose how the units will be priced when a box is opened to sell by units by going to the


 Sell by Units Options



There are 2 options for pricing:

  • Unit price should: Be changed to the price of the last same item that was sold as a unit.

  • Unit price should: Remain the same as the price of the unit within the opened box.

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move Open Market


Boxes to the Inventory in Units

The system allows you to choose whether open market boxes should be transferred to inventory units automatically once they are confirmed in the Staging Area.


Info: When this setting is disabled

as well as Prebook in the

Automatic Billing is enabled


; the system will only open the boxes with units already presold once they are confirmed in the Staging Area.

Ui stepssizesmall

Ui step
  1. To have this option

enable go
  1. enabled, go to Setup > Settings > Order Entry Settings >Select Sell by Units 

Ui step Check
  1. Check the box to enable the option "Automatically move open market boxes to inventory in units" and click on Save. 

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From a multi-location account, you can set also set

Multi-Location Companies

You can also automatically move open market boxes to inventory


units for a location from a


multi-location account. For more information, please read Sell by Units Settings for Multi-Location Companies.

How to make

Make an exception to this setting

If you keep this option enabled, the system allows you to prevent


opening the boxes once they are confirmed in the Staging Area.

This option can be enabled by checking the option Don't Open that will appear

during the creation of

while creating a PO Standalone or a Standing Order for future sales



By checking the box, the box won't


be opened once it is confirmed in the Staging Area. Remember, you can also check this option before you confirm the box in the Staging Area by editing the line.

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titleAllow to set discount per line

Allow setting Discount per Line

This option allows you to set up a discount per line for items in units while


creating or editing an invoice from the Order Entry screen. The discount set per line will override the discount applied to the entire order. For further information on this process

read How to Apply a Discount per Line. WarningtitleImportant

, read Invoice Units.


You must first set


the discount for the entire order and then, set the discount per line.


The discount per line will be omitted if you set a discount for a given line before setting the


discount (the discount for the entire order)

, the discount per line will be omitted Ui expandtitlePrint the distribution labels upon confirmation


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Print Distribution Labels upon Confirmation

Once you confirm a product from

the Staging

the Staging Area, you will be able to print the distribution labels automatically.

Ui steps

To have this option enable go to Setup > Settings > Order Entry Settings >Select Sell by Units.

Ui steps
 Check "

  1. Go to Setup and select Settings.

  2. Click on Sell by Units from the Order Entry group of settings.

  3. Check the box to enable

the option 
  1. Automatically print the distribution labels upon confirmation

" and click
  1. .

  2. Click on Save.

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inventory behavior control

Inventory Behavior Control

This setting allows personalizing the way


the inventory is presented when an inventory adjustment has been carried out. There are two options:

  • Replace the total number of bunches in the inventory:  When this setting is enabled, the system will replace the original bunches with the adjusted bunches amount.

  • Reduce or increase the total number of bunches in the inventory: The value users enter in the Adjusted Bunches column, will be deducted from the amount in the Original Bunches column, and the result of this difference will be added to the

  • number of bunches of the product available in the current inventory.

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For more information about this setting and examples, please refer to Inventory in Units Adjustments in the section Inventory Behavior.

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Show Vendor

By enabling this option, the system will keep the vendor information in the product lines in units resulting from opening a box. Salespeople will be able to see vendor information


on sales screens.

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Once the setting is enabled, an additional column


named Vendor


will be displayed while adding units to


the order. Users will also be able to filter products by the vendor. This column will also be

also Ui expandtitleSeparate product lines by price

visible or hidden from the Allocation View >> Available Items screen.

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Separate Product Lines by Price

By enabling this option, the system will separate product lines


into units when they are the same product and have different prices. If it is disabled, the system will group the same products

, even if they have

with different prices.

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When this setting is enabled, the system will separate product lines by price, as in the next example. On the contrary, if the setting is disabled, the system will group all identical products, even if the price is different. Notice the system displays the highest price:

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Filter by label (Content by label)
Related Articles
cqllabel in ( "sales-by-units" , "settings" )
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