
This method allows you to update an existing vendor in Komet Sales.



Method: POST

Content-Type: application/json

Input Parameters

  • authenticationToken (required)(string:50): Komet Sales security token.

  • vendorId (required)(integer:20): Komet Sales internal ID of the vendor that you want to update. You can obtain this value from the vendor.list API method.

  • vendorType (optional)(integer:1): 1 for Fresh Cut, 2 for Freight / Handling or 3 for Hard Gods. 

  • name (optional)(string:200): name of the vendor.

  • portOrigin (optional)(string:5): code of the origin (MIA, BOG, MDE, etc).

  • code (optional)(string:10): code of the vendor.

  • phone1 (optional)(string:20): phone 1.

  • phone2 (optional)(string:20): phone 2.

  • phone3 (optional)(string:20): phone 3.

  • fax (optional)(string:20): fax.

  • webPage (optional)(string:50): web site address.

  • emailForPOs (optional)(string:200): email addresses where the vendor will receive the purchase orders. You may enter a set of email addresses separated by semicolons.

  • contactName (optional)(string:50): name of the contact person.

  • notes (optional)(string:200): any additional notes or comments that you want to associate with the vendor.

  • street (optional)(string:200): street address.

  • city (optional)(string:50): city name.

  • state (optional)(string:50): state name.

  • zipcode (optional)(string:10): zip/postal code.

  • country (optional)(string:50): country name.

Sample Request

{ "authenticationToken": "token_info_goes_here", "vendorId":"234234", "name": "Flores ABC", "portOrigin": "BOG", "code": "ABC", "phone1": "054 474 3222", "phone2": "054 474 3223", "webpage":"", "emailForPos": "" }



  • status (integer:1): transaction status. 1 for success or 0 for failure.

  • message (string:500): description of the status of the transaction.

  • vendorId (integer:20): vendor internal ID that was just updated.

Sample Response

{ "status": "1", "message": "success", "vendorId": 234234 }