Allowing Vendors to Edit Prices and Costs

Allowing Vendors to Edit Prices and Costs


When setting up your vendors you will find different options that can help them manage your shipments more efficiently. If you have a tight relationship with your vendors you can give them additional options such as the capability of editing prices.


If you want to allow your Vendors to modify the sales prices and costs of your products please refer to Vendor options setup.

Editing Price and Cost from PO Summary screen

This is how the vendors will see the POs. To modify the prices, the vendor must access the Vendor Portal and follow these instructions:

Cost Configuration from Confirm POs screen

When authorized, vendors will be able to modify the cost directly from the Confirm POs screen.

  • Enter the cost per unit. If you are a vendor, the system will request to enter your name, the date, and time.
  • The system will show a notification when the cost has been modified by a vendor.

    If the order is already in inventory, the cost may not be changed.


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