
In this section we will show you how to capture a Credit Card Pre-Authorization. Remember that this needs to be done after following the steps on how to Pre-Authorize a Credit Card Payment

Orders with active Pre-Authorizations can be displayed with a filter identified in Order Entry > Order Summary. Use the drop-down menu on the Pre-Authorized section and select Yes

This filter will also be available on A/R > Open Invoices

There are two ways to Capture Credit Card Pre-Authorization:

After selecting a pre-authorized order, click on the drop-down menu located on the Actions column.

You will find two options: 

  • Capture Pre-Authorization
  • Cancel Pre-Authorization

You can also capture by going to: Order Entry > Order Summary and selecting the pre-authorized order. After selecting it, the button that normally says Pay & Confirm will change to Capture & Confirm, also showing you the preauthorized amount below such button.

Once you have selected the option Capture Pre-Authorization or Capture & Confirm, you will see a pop-up. If the amount charged on the Order is the same or less than the amount pre-authorized, the message will say:

This usually happens when changes are done on the order after completing and pre-authorizing it. This means that there would an amount pending to be paid that requires to be done manually or with another pre-authorization.

If the amount charged on the order is higher than the pre-authorized amount, you will see the following pop-up:

When the pre-authorization is confirmed and paid, it becomes a Payment. The amount charged will no longer be on hold waiting for confirmation, since it becomes a regular payment.

Remember that once a credit card payment has been captured, the option to apply a payment on Accounts Receivable A/R > Receive Payment section will no longer be available:

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