Get a list of the Inventory in Units

Use this method to get a list of available inventory from the Inventory in Units.

Valid Tokens: Company.



Method: POST

Content-Type: Application/JSON


authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

Input parameters

categoryID (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal category ID.

productId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal product ID.

You can get this value from the product.list API method.

locationId (required)(integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Location ID.

Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.

You can get this value from the location.list API method. 

unitType (string:10)

Unit type.

Valid values: Stem or Bunch

{ "categoryId": 21221, "locationId": 213, "productId": 23214, "unitType": "stem" }



status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Sucess | 0 Failure

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

inventoryItems (array)

An array containing the available inventory items.

productId (integer)

Komet Sales internal product ID.

productDescription (string:200)

Product description.

categoryID (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal category ID.

category (string:200)

Category description.

unitType (string:10)

Unit type.

Valid values: Stem or Bunch.

stemsBunch (integer:10)

Stems per Bunch.

bunches (integer:10)

Number of bunches.

totalUnits (integer:10)

Total units in the product line.

unitLandedCost (decimal:10,5)

Landed cost per unit.

unitPrice (decimal:10,2)

Unit price.

inventoryUnitsIds (integer:10)

Inventory Item ID of the unit.

inTransit (Boolean)

If the product is still in transit.

vendorId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Vendor ID.

vendor (string:200)

Grower or Vendor name.

companyId companyId (integer:20)

CompanyId Id.

locationCode (optional)(string:10)

AWB Location code.

Only applies to Multi-Location companies. 

locationName locationName (string:200)

Location name.

locationId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Location ID.

{ "message": "success", "status": "1", "inventoryItems": [ { "productId": 2204, "productDescription": "Fresh Flowers", "category": "Arrangement", "categoryId": 11457, "unitType": "Stem", "bunches": 6, "stemsBunch": 10, "totalUnits": 60, "unitLandedCost": 0.7, "unitPrice": 1.4, "totalPrice": 2, "inventoryUnitsIds": "1730", "inTransit": null, "vendorId": null, "vendor": null, "companyId": 7030, "locationCode": "02", "locationName": "Miami", "locationId": 3 } ] }

