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This method returns a list of prebooks with their corresponding details.
- Method: GET
- Content-Type: URL Params
Input parameters:
- authenticationToken (required): Komet Sales security token.
- date (required) (date): prebook truck date (date format YYYY-MM-DD).
- prebook (optional)(integer:10): prebook number.
- customer (optional)(string:200): customer name or code. You can obtain this value from the customer.list API method.
- customerId (optional)(integer:20): customer Komet Sales internal ID. You can obtain this value from the customer.list API method.
- carrierName (optional) (string:200): carrier name.
- carrierId (optional)(integer:20): carrier ID. You can obtain this value from the carrier.list API method.
- salesPersonId (optional)(integer:20): customer's sales person ID.
- soNumber (optional)(integer:20): standing order number.
- customerPONumber (string)(integer:20): customer PO number.
- locationId (optional)(integer:20): location Komet Sales internal ID.
- brandId (optional)(integer:20): vendor Komet Sales internal brand ID.
Filtering by prebook, date, customerId, carrierId, salesPersonId,locationId, brandId, soNumber and customerPONumber uses an exact match.
Filtering by customer and carrier uses a "LIKE" expression.
Filters are not case sensitive.
- status (integer:1): transaction status. 1 for success or 0 for failure.
- message (string:500): description of the status of the transaction.
- prebooks: array of prebooks
- id (integer:20): Komet Sales internal prebook ID.
- number (integer:10): invoice number.
- locationId (integer:20): location Komet Sales internal ID.
- locationName (string:200): location name.
- locationCode (string:20): location code.
- customerName (string:200): name of the customer.
- customerId (integer:20): Komet Sales internal customer ID.
- customerCode (string:20): code of the customer.
- shipName (string:200): Ship To name.
- shipCity (string:200): Ship city name.
- shipState (string:200): Ship state name.
- shipAddress (string:200): Ship address.
- shipZipCode (string:10): Ship zip code.
- shipCountry (string:200): Ship country name.
- type (string:1): S for Standing Orders, P for standalone Prebooks, D for Doubles.
- truckDate (date): ship date of the order. (date format YYYY-MM-DD).
- customerPONumber (string:20): customer PO number.
- carrierId (integer:20): carrier Komet Sales internal ID.
- carrierName (string:200): carrier name.
- shipvia (string:10): warehouse or grower.
- comments (string:200): order notes.
- details: array of prebook details
- vendorId (integer:20): grower or vendor Komet Sales internal ID
- vendorName (string:200): grower or Vendor name.
- productId (integer:20): product Komet Sales internal ID.
- productDescription (string:200): product description.
- totalBoxes (integer:10): number of boxes in the product line.
- boxType (string:3): box type code (FB, HB, QB, etc).
- bunches (integer:10): bunches per box.
- stemsBunch (integer:10): stems per bunch.
- unitPrice (decimal:10,2): unit price.
- units (integer:10): units per box.
- unitType (string:10): stem or bunch.
- totalUnits (integer:10): total units in the product line.
- totalPrice (decimal:10,2): the amount of the product line. Unit Price times total units.
- markCode (string:50): mark code.
- brandId (integer:20): vendor brand Komet Sales internal ID.
- brandName (string:200): vendor brand name.
- breakdowns: array of breakdowns
- productId (integer:20): product Komet Sales internal ID.
- productDescription (string:20): product description.
- stemsBunch (integer:10): stems per bunch.
- bunches (integer:10): number of bunches.
- price (decimal:10,2): unit price.
{ "message": "OK", "status": 1, "prebooks": [ { "id": 1927173, "number": "13010", "customerName": "AB Flower Shop", "customerCode": "34325", "customerId": 34325, "shipName":"Store 1", "shipCity":"Miami", "shipState":"FL", "shipAddress":"Street 21 Av 90", "shipZipCode":"32009", "shipCountry":"USA", "details": [ { "breakdowns": [], "vendorName": "Flores Capiro", "boxType": "HB", "unitType": "Stem", "productDescription": "Combos Multiple Colors Rose Combo1 Multiple Grades", "stemsBunch": 12, "unitPrice": "1.250", "vendorId": 6320, "brandId": 2, "brandName": "Demo Brand", "units": 240, "productId": 178172, "totalUnits": 2400, "bunches": 20, "totalBoxes": 10, "totalPrice": "3,000.00" }, { "breakdowns": [], "vendorName": "Exportadora de Flores", "boxType": "HB", "productDescription": "Carnation Assorted Select", "stemsBunch": 20, "unitType": "Bunch", "unitPrice": "1.050", "vendorId": 17684, "units": 18, "productId": 276277, "totalUnits": 180, "bunches": 18, "totalBoxes": 10, "totalPrice": "189.00" }, { "breakdowns": [], "vendorName": "Flores del Este", "boxType": "HB", "productDescription": "Lilies Assorted Oriental 2 Blooms", "stemsBunch": 5, "unitType": "Bunch", "unitPrice": "1.250", "vendorId": 6321, "units": 25, "productId": 139103, "totalUnits": 250, "bunches": 25, "totalBoxes": 10, "totalPrice": "312.50" } ], "carrierId": 1207, "shipVia": "Warehouse", "carrierName": "American Airlines", "truckDate": "2015-02-10", "type": "P", "totalPrice": "3,501.50" }, { "id": 1949612, "number": "13949", "customerName": "Eric's Flowers", "customerCode": "6529", "customerId": 6529, "shipName":"Store 2", "shipCity":"Miami", "shipState":"FL", "shipAddress":"Street 15 Av 80", "shipZipCode":"32010", "shipCountry":"USA", "details": [ { "breakdowns": [], "vendorName": "Flores Capiro", "boxType": "HB", "unitType": "Bunch", "productDescription": "Pom Button Green Athos 70 Cm", "stemsBunch": 10, "unitPrice": "1.650", "vendorId": 6320, "brandId": 2, "brandName": "Demo Brand", "units": 24, "productId": 139478, "totalUnits": 336, "bunches": 24, "totalBoxes": 14, "totalPrice": "554.40" } ], "carrierId": 1204, "shipVia": "Warehouse", "carrierName": "Armellini", "truckDate": "2015-02-10", "type": "S", "totalPrice": "554.40" } ] }
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