Create a Prebook
Use this method to add a Prebook Order to Komet Sales. You can add a header, header and products, or a header with products and breakdowns.
Valid Tokens: Company and Vendor.
If you use a Vendor Token:
The system will omit the
, andvendorName
parameters.The system will only apply the value entered in
if your company has the Allow Changing Sales Price setting enabled.
Invoices created through this method are subject to a transaction fee. Internal company transactions are generally exempt from this transaction fee.
Related Articles
Delete a Prebook 1.0 (API)
Products (Knowledge Base)
Manage Prebooks from Vendor Availability (Knowledge Base)
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/JSON
Input Parameters
authenticationToken (required)(string:50)
Komet Sales security token.
customerId (required if customerCode
is not given)(integer:20)
Customer ID.
You can get this value from the customer.list API method.
customerCode (required if customerId
is not given)(string:20)
Customer code.
customerDescription (required if customerId
is not given)(string:200)
Customer name.
carrierId (required if carrierCode
is not given) (integer:20)
Carrier ID.
You can obtain this value from the carrier.list API method.
carrierCode (required if carrierId
is not given)(string:20)
Carrier code.
carrierDescription (required if carrierId
is not given)(string:200)
Carrier name.
shipDate (required)(date)
Shipping date.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
createdBy (optional)(integer:20)
User ID from the User that is creating the Order.
This value represents the Komet Sales Owner ID.
shipViaId (logical)(integer:1)
Ship Via ID from the Location where the product will be shipped from.
Valid values: 0 = Warehouse | 1 = Grower
customerPO (optional)(string:20)
Customer Purchase Order.
isEcommerce (optional)(integer:1)
Order source.
Valid values: 0 = Phone/Regular Order | 1 = E-Commerce
useExisting (optional)(integer:1)
Add items to an existing Prebook with the same Location, Carrier, Truck date, Customer and Customer PO#, if there is one.
Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = Create a new Prebook
Default is zero.
comments (optional)(string:200)
Special instructions or comments.
autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks (optional)(integer:1)
If you want the system to create the Purchase Orders for the Prebook.
To generate the Purchase Orders, you must use the vendorId
, vendorName
, or vendorCode
and cost
parameters in the request.
Automatically generated Purchase Orders will have Approved status.
Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = No
Default is zero.
autoAllocate (optional)(integer:1)
Automatically allocate the Prebook with products from the inventory.
Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = Follow the rules of the Mass Allocations process
The system will only consider products with an Aging between zero and five days.
status (optional)(varchar:50)
The Prebook status.
Only works when the Prebook Status setting is Enabled.
companyLocationCode (required)(string:20)
Location code.
Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.
prebookItems (optional)(array)
An array containing products.
identifier (optional)(string:30)
Line ID.
vendorId (optional)(integer:20)
Vendor or Grower ID.
You can get this value from vendor.list API method.
vendorCode (optional)(string:20)
Vendor or Grower code, if vendorId
is not given.
vendorName (optional)(string:200)
Vendor or Grower name, if vendorId
is not given.
productId (required if productCode
is not given)(integer:20)
Product ID.
You can get this value from the product.list API method.
productCode (required if productId
is not given)(string:20)
Product code.
productDescription (required if productId
is not given)(string:200)
Product description.
orderSource (optional)(string:20)
Product source.
itemType (optional)(string 3)
Item type.
Valid values: BOX = Boxes | UN = Unit
Default is BOX.
boxTypeId (required if boxTypeCode
is not given and itemType
is BOX)(integer:20)
Box type ID.
You can get this value from the boxtype.list API method.
boxTypeCode (required if boxTypeId
is not given and itemType
is BOX)(string:3)
Box type code.
boxTypeDescription (required if boxTypeId
is not given and itemType
is BOX)(string:3)
Box type name.
boxes (required if itemType
is BOX)(integer:10)
Number of boxes.
totalUnits (required if itemType
is UN)(integer:10)
Number of units.
unitType (required)(string:5)
Unit type.
Valid values: Stem or Bunch
bunches (required if itemType
is BOX)(integer:10)
Number of Bunches per Box.
stemsBunch (required if itemType
is BOX)(integer:10)
Stems per Bunch.
You can leave this field empty for mixed boxes.
price (optional)(decimal:10,2)
Weighted average Unit price according to the value entered in unitType
cost (optional)(decimal:10,2)
Weighted average Unit cost.
If you use a Vendor token, the system will only accept this parameter if the Allow Changing Cost setting is enabled.
markCode (optional)(string:50)
Item mark code.
notes (optional)(string:1000)
Additional notes.
futureSalesPoNumber (optional)(string:7)
Future Sales Purchase Order number where the product belongs to. For example, P057116.
Please take in account that the PO# must be the exact same number that the system has, this means the order 57116 is not the same order that P057116.
breakdowns (optional)(array)
An array containing product breakdowns.
productId (required if productCode
is not given)(integer:20)
Product ID.
You can get this value from the product.list API method.
productCode (required if productId
is not given)(string:20)
Product code.
productDescription (required if productId
is not given)(string:200)
Product description.
bunches (required)(integer:10)
Bunches per Box.
stemsBunch (required)(integer:10)
Stems per Bunch.
cost (required)(decimal:10,2)
Unit cost, according to the value provided in unitType
If you use a Vendor token, the system will only accept this parameter if the Allow Changing Cost setting is enabled.
price (required)(decimal:10,2)
Unit price, according to the value provided in unitType
Only applies to Company tokens.
You can only use
, orcustomerName
at a time. We recommend you to usecustomerId
which can be obtained from the customer.list API method.You can use
at a time. We recommend you to use carrierId which can be obtained from the carrier.list API method.
"authenticationToken": "token_info_goes_here",
"customerId": 9999,
"customerPO": "PO4534",
"shipToId": 999,
"carrierId": 1878,
"shipDate": "2014-04-10",
"comments": "Comments or special instructions",
"prebookItems": [
"vendorId": 999,
"productId": 999,
"boxTypeId": 900,
"orderSource": "phone call",
"unitType": "Stem",
"boxes": 5,
"bunches": 10,
"stemsBunch": 2,
"cost": 0.7,
"price": 2.5,
"markCode": "text for mark code",
"notes": "text for notes",
"breakdowns": [
"productId": 999,
"bunches": 2,
"stemsBunch": 3,
"cost": 0.75,
"price": 1.5,
"identifier": "02343678"
status (integer:1)
Transaction status.
Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure
message (string:500)
Transaction status description.
prebookId (integer:20)
Prebook ID.
prebookNumber (integer:10)
Prebook number.
purchaseOrderNumbers (string:200)
PO numbers separated by commas, if autoGeneratePOsfromPrebooks
is given.
items (array)
An array containing items in the Prebook.
identifier (string:20)
Line ID.
This is the same value entered in the identifier
parameter of the request.
status: (integer:1)
Transaction status.
Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure
message (string:500)
Transaction status description.
prebookItemId (integer:10)
ID of the product line that was added to the order.
productId (integer:20)
Product ID.
This is the same value entered in the productId
parameter of the request.
productCode (string:20)
Product code.
This is the same value entered in the productCode
parameter of the request.
futureSalesPoNumber (string:7)
Future Sales PO Number.
This is the same value entered in the futureSalesPoNumber
parameter of the request.
availableBoxes (integer:10)
Number of boxes that are available.
Only applies if futureSalesPoNumber
was given in the request.
"status": 1,
"message": "Prebook was successfully created. All the purchase orders were successfully created",
"prebookId": 1640006,
"prebookNumber": "010225",
"purchaseOrderNumbers": "P002989, P002990",
"items": [
"productId": 999,
"status": 1,
"prebookItemId": 3427612,
"message": "Item successfully added to the order"
"productCode": "RF567",
"status": 1,
"prebookItemId": 3427612,
"futureSalesPoNumber": "P012345",
"availableBoxes": 2,
"message": "Item successfully added to the order"