Method: GET
Content-Type: URL Parameters
Input parameters
authenticationToken (required)(string:50)
Komet Sales security token.
statusId (required)(integer:1)
Vendor Invoice status code.
Valid values: 1 = Pending Approval by Procurement | 2 = Pending Approval by Accounting | 3 = Approved | 4 = Sent to External System | 5 = Failed | 6 = Synchronized
poNumber (optional)(string:10)
Purchase Order number.
arrivalDateFrom (required if poNumber
or invoiceNumber
are not sent)(date)
Purchase Order Warehouse arrival date.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
The maximum range between arrivalDateFrom
and shipDateTo
is 45 days.
arrivalDateTo (Required if the poNumber nor invoiceNumber are provided)
Purchase Order Warehouse arrival date.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
The maximum range between arrivalDateFrom
and shipDateTo
is 45 days.
invoiceNumber (optional)(string:10)
Vendor Invoice number.
vendorCode (optional)(string:20)
Komet Sales internal Vendor Code.
You can get this value from the vendor.list API method.
approvalDateFrom (optional)
Starting date when Vendor Invoices were approved by procurement.
The maximum range between approvalDateFrom
and approvalDateTo
is 45 days.
approvalDateTo (optional)
Ending date when Vendor Invoices were approved by procurement.
The maximum range between approvalDateFrom
and approvalDateTo
is 45 days.
locationId (optional)(integer: 20)
Location ID.
You can get this value from the location.list API method.
Code Block | ||
| || orderDateFrom=2016-07-01&orderDateTo=2016-07-30 |
status (integer:1): transaction
Transaction status. 1 for success or 0 for failure/error.
Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure
message (string:500):
Transaction status description of the request.
vendorInvoices (array): array of vendor invoices
An array containing Vendor Invoices.
invoiceNumber (string:10):
Vendor invoice Invoice number.
locationId (integer:20):
Komet Sales internal ID of the locationLocation ID.
Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.
locationCode: locationCode (string:20): Location code of the AWB. It
AWB location code.
Only applies to Multi-Location companiesCompanies.
Location name.
Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.
poNumber (integer:10):
Purchase order number.
poShipDate (date):
Purchase order ship dateShip Date.
poArrivalDate (date):
Purchase order Order arrival date.
vendorId (integer:10):
Komet Sales internal vendor Vendor ID.
vendorCode (string:20):
Vendor code associated to the House number.
vendorName (string:200):
The name of the vendor.
vendorAccountingCode (string:50): The accounting code of the vendor
Vendor Accounting Code.
vendorType (string:20): The product
Product type provided by the vendorVendor.
invoiceAmount (decimal:10,2):
Vendor invoice amount.
purchaseOrderSubtotal (decimal:10,2):
Purchase order subtotal (without additional charges).
totalAdditionalCharges (decimal:10,2): total amount of
Total additional charges.
purchaseOrderTotal (decimal:10,2):
Purchase order total amount.
purchaseOrderItems (array): array of the
An array containing items within the purchase ordersPurchase Orders.
categoryProcurementAccountingCode: accounting procurement code of the category
Procuremente Accounting Category Code.
totalCost (decimal:10,2): total cost of the item
Total item cost.
Code Block |
{ "vendorInvoices": [ { "invoiceNumber": "01-P002271", "locationId": 3, "locationCode": "02", "locationName": "Chicago", "poNumber": "P002271", "poShipDate": "2020-03-27", "poArrivalDate": "2020-03-27", "vendorId": 29697, "vendorCode": "", "vendorName": "Miami L Vendor", "vendorAccountingCode": null, "vendorType": "Fresh Cut", "invoiceAmount": 109.0, "purchaseOrderSubtotal": 636.90771, "totalAdditionalCharges": 0.0, "purchaseOrderTotal": 636.90771, "purchaseOrderItems": [ { "categoryProcurementAccountingCode": "CGEN", "totalCost": 359.14546 }, { "categoryProcurementAccountingCode": "PGEN", "totalCost": 277.76225 } ] }, { "invoiceNumber": "02-P002271", "locationId": 3, "locationCode": "02", "locationName": "Chicago", "poNumber": "P002271", "poShipDate": "2020-03-27", "poArrivalDate": "2020-03-27", "vendorId": 29697, "vendorCode": "", "vendorName": "Miami L Vendor", "vendorAccountingCode": null, "vendorType": "Fresh Cut", "invoiceAmount": 143.0, "purchaseOrderSubtotal": 636.90771, "totalAdditionalCharges": 0.0, "purchaseOrderTotal": 636.90771, "purchaseOrderItems": [ { "categoryProcurementAccountingCode": "CGEN", "totalCost": 359.14546 }, { "categoryProcurementAccountingCode": "PGEN", "totalCost": 277.76225 } ] }, { "invoiceNumber": "03-P002271", "locationId": 3, "locationCode": "02", "locationName": "Chicago", "poNumber": "P002271", "poShipDate": "2020-03-27", "poArrivalDate": "2020-03-27", "vendorId": 29697, "vendorCode": "", "vendorName": "Miami L Vendor", "vendorAccountingCode": null, "vendorType": "Fresh Cut", "invoiceAmount": 196.0, "purchaseOrderSubtotal": 636.90771, "totalAdditionalCharges": 0.0, "purchaseOrderTotal": 636.90771, "purchaseOrderItems": [ { "categoryProcurementAccountingCode": "CGEN", "totalCost": 359.14546 }, { "categoryProcurementAccountingCode": "PGEN", "totalCost": 277.76225 } ] } ], "message": "OK", "status": "1" } |