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This section will provide instructions on how to approve Vendor Invoices. For a user


In this article you will learn about invoice’s status and how to approve vendor invoices

, a setting named Allow invoice approval on reconciliation screens must be enabled on the user options



Roles enabled to perform this action: Admin, Accounts Payable, Procurement Manager, and Procurement User.


You must enable the Allow Invoice Approval on Reconciliation Screens setting to allow users to approve vendor invoices.

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
excludeTable of Contents

Invoice Status

There are several vendor invoice statuses to consider before you read the workflow to approve the vendor invoicesInvoices display their status in the system with two words. Here is every status and its description:

  • AP: Pending Approval by Procurement.

  • AA: Pending Approval by Accounting.

  • A: Approved.

  • ES: Sent to External System.

  • F: Failed.

  • S: Synchronized.

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Approve Vendor Invoices

To approve an invoice, once the vendor uploads it to Komet, complete the following

Once a vendor uploads the invoice, you can review and approve it from the PO Reconciliation screen. To approve vendor invoices, do the following instructions:

Step one: Procurement Approval

When your company receives a vendor invoice, you will see these invoices with AP (Pending Approval by Procurement) status. To review and approve invoices, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to A/P and select PO Reconciliation.

  2. Search for the purchase order number to be reviewed and approved. Please take into account this information when reconciling the PO:

  3. When there's a discrepancy between the Vendor Invoice Total and PO Total, the system will highlight the cells in red, as seen in the image below.

  4. During the reconciliation process, the user can also compare the warehouse Qty Received with Qty Conf by the farm (if these columns are viewable). When there is a discrepancy between these two columns, the system will highlight in red the cells within these columns. This discrepancy can also be seen when viewing the 

  5. Click on the invoice number.

  6. Review the invoice information.

  7. Click on the button in the Actions column and select Approve.

The invoice status will be updated to AA (Pending Approval by Accounting.) 

When the invoice and order totals, or the quantity received and confirmed, don’t match, the system will highlight the fields with red to indicate a discrepancy.

You can also see this discrepancy from the Purchase Order Details screen on this tab by going to "Actions" and clicking on the magnifying glass icon

.  Remember, you can export an Excel file with the information on the PO Reconciliation tab. (For more information on this topic, read ) Image A
  • The purchase order, by default, will have a Vendor Invoice Status of AP (Pending Approval by Procurement). After reviewing the totals information, the Procurement user can approve it by clicking on the invoice number and going to the Actions column in the Invoice Upload window (read Upload Vendor Invoices for further information). 

  • Once the procurement user approves it, the system will show a message confirming the successful status update. The invoice status will be updated to "AA" (Pending Approval by Accounting)

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    Step two: Accounting Approval

    If needed, the accounting user must review the invoice and approve or return it to


    procurement for


    review. The system will give the accounting user three options in the Actions column of the Invoice Upload window: Approve Payment, Return to Procurement and Print.

    To approve an invoice, do the following instructions:

    1. Go to A/P and select PO Reconciliation.

    2. Search for the purchase order number to be reviewed and approved.

    3. Click on the invoice number.

    4. Review the invoice information.

    5. Click on the button in the Actions column and select Approve.

    Once the Accounting department approves the invoice, the system will change the status to A


    . This is the last step, meaning the invoice's payment is ready to be processed.

    The Accounting department will be given two last options: Cancel Payment, from the invoice Upload 

    screen and 

    screen, and Print, from the Actions column in the PO Reconciliation screen. Image B

    When the invoice and order totals, or the quantity received and confirmed, don’t match, the system will highlight the fields with red to indicate a discrepancy.

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    When accounting Cancels a payment the invoice status reverts to AA (Pending Approval by Accounting) to be reviewed again.Image Added

    Send Approved Invoices to an External System

    When the invoice has an A (Approved) status, the user can send it to the External Accounting System or Quickbooks, if the company has integrated it with Komet (from the Actions gray button). Once the invoice is approved in Komet, the user can proceed to process the payment in their accounting system.

    Only invoices with an Approved status will be transferred to QuickBooks. Komet, on the Sent to External System On column within the PO Reconciliation tab, will display the information of the user who sent the invoice to Quickbooks in a tooltip.

    Invoice Status Column. On this screen, users can select the columns to view in the PO Reconciliation screen by clicking on the gear icon next to the "Search" button, as shown below. 

    Multi-Location Companies. Users of multilocation companies can filter by several locations at once. These filters are considered in the Export to Excel and Send to External System options and will be remembered when the user


    logs into the system.

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    titleWhat happens when accounting cancels a payment?

    When accounting Cancels a payment, the invoice status reverts to AA (Pending Approval by Accounting) to be reviewed again.

    titleThe synchronization process failed, what can I do?

    When a PO has a Synchronized (S), Sent to External System (ES), or Failed (F) status, and for any reason, it is necessary to return the PO to an Approved status (if something went wrong with the synchronization process, for example) the system allows to do that. Just click on the drop-down menu in the Actions column for that PO and click on Return to Approved.

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