Komet Sales allows you to set up your PODs (Proof of Delivery) to automatically upload them onto the system once they are saved in a specific folder from your computer. This is a one-time setup that integrates the Komet System to generate POD files in PDF format from your system to Komet Sales.
You need to run this process as a service in Windows installing the NSSM utility.
To configure the Komet POD service, follow these steps:
Set up and test JAVA_HOME variable. For further information about this process, read this article.
Generate a company token with access to the invoice.pod.receive API method. This method allows the Komet System to search for POD files in the folder.pending folder and upload them to Komet.
Komet Sales is not responsible for the installation of these server files in your system. Be sure to have your IT personnel perform this configuration. Contact us at support@kometsales.com if you have any questions regarding this process.