Shipping - Order Summary

In this article, you will learn about the Order Summary tab inside the Shipping section of Komet where you can see all the orders your company has received, and print labels and reports. 

Roles enabled to perform this action:  Admin and Shipping.

Generate Reports

You can automatically generate reports from the Order Summary tab by clicking the Reports button. Clicking this button displays the types of reports that the system can generate using the specified search parameters. Currently, there are four types of reports you can create:

  • Shipping by Grower Report. An Excel file with every grower from every Order within the selected range.

  • Cubes Report. A PDF file with all the invoices by cubes. 

  • Carrier Pick Ticket Report. A PDF file with the Carrier Pick Tickets.

  • Order Summary Report. An Excel file with a detailed list of Orders, including all the information from each Order.

To generate reports, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Shipping and select the Order Summary tab.

  2. Search the orders you want to include in your reports by using the available filters. Reports are filtering sensitive, so the filters you use to search will be used to populate reports.

  3. Click on the Reports button. This displays the types of Reports you can create.

  4. Select the report you want from the list. The system will export the report in an XLS file.

Reports generated by clicking the Reports Tab only work for orders with Boxes.

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Filters and Shortcuts

When you want to find a specific Order, you can use filters to locate the particular Order you need. To use this feature, click on the Search button and fill out the information you want to use to filter the results.

You can also filter by Carrier; you can do this with one or multiple Carriers simultaneously by selecting Multiple Mode. In addition, Komet Sales has a built-in shortcut to search in predetermined timeframes. Click on Shortcuts and choose one of the timeframes available.

To do this, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Shipping and select Order Summary.

  2. Click on the Search button. This expands the Search box where you can fill out the sorting information.

  3. Fill out the filters you want to use and click Search.

It is important to note that all the used filters are considered when printing Labels and Reports.

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Print Documents and Labels

You can print Labels for your shipments, generate documents for your sales, and set reference numbers directly from Order Summary.

To do this, select the order/s you want to create documents for and click on the Actions button; this displays a menu that shows the documents you can generate. In addition, you can set Reference Numbers for Orders by selecting the Set Ref # option.

Generate Documents

Orders may require different Documents for successful processing, and Komet Sales automatically generates them for you. To do this, select the orders you need Documents for and click Actions to display a list of actions you can perform.

The Documents you can create are the following: 

To do this, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Shipping and select the Order Summary tab.

  2. Select the Orders you want to create Documents for. You can do this by checking the box at the left of the Order Number column.

  3. Click the Actions button and select the type of document you need.

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Print Labels

Shipping Labels are printed by selecting the Order and clicking the Actions button. In the Actions dropdown menu, choose Print Labels.

Once you do that, the system asks you to choose the printer you want to use or offers to print to a pdf file. After selecting your printing method, the system asks how to sort the Shipping Labels before printing them.

To print order labels, do the following instructions:

  1. Go to Shipping and select the Order Summary tab.

  2. Select the Orders you want to print Labels for. You can do this by checking the box at the left of the Order Number column.

  3. Click the Actions button and select Print Labels. This displays a pop-up where you choose the printing method.

  4. Select the printer you want to use from the dropdown menu; You can also print the Labels to a pdf file from here. Click Print to continue.

  5. Select the assortment method and click Print. The Labels are sent to a printer or downloaded as a pdf file.

You can automatically print the labels in remote printers from the Shipping Order Summary screen. To do this, go to Setup > Settings and select Label Options. For more information, go to Label Options.

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Print Only Unscanned Labels

You can filter the orders by scanned status and print only the labels from the boxes you need. To do this, you can filter results by scanned boxes shipped by the warehouse. Use the Scanned field in the search box, and select Print Labels in the Actions dropdown menu.

There are two different ways to print labels using the Scanned filter. The first uses the Actions button, and the second through Order Details. Below are detailed instructions for both methods:

Option A: Print Labels through Actions 

To Print Pending Labels from the Actions dropdown menu, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Shipping and select the Order Summary tab.

  2. Click on the Search button. This expands the Search box where you can fill out the sorting information.

  3. Select the Scanned field. This displays a menu with three options: All, Pending, and Completed.

  4. Select the option you want to filter the results by and click Search. The results are displayed as a list.

  5. Select the Orders you want to print by clicking on the checkbox at the left of each Order.

  6. Click on Actions and choose Print Labels from the dropdown menu. A pop-up appears asking how to sort the Labels.

  7. Choose the sorting method for the Labels and click Print.

Option B: Print Labels through Order Details

To Print Pending Labels from the Order Details window, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Shipping and select the Order Summary tab.

  2. View the Order Details. To do this, go to the Actions Column and click on the Magnifying Glass Icon. This opens a pop-up where you can see every detail of the selected Order.

  3. Choose the Labels to print. In the Order Details pop-up, a table with all the Products on the Order is displayed. In the Scanned column, choose the option that has a number. This automatically prints the Labels from that Product to a pdf file.

Order Status and Shipping Status considerations:

  • If the Scanned filter is in Pending, printed labels are from boxes not scanned as Shipped Warehouse.

  • If the Scanned filter is Completed, printed labels are from boxes scanned as Shipped Warehouse.

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Order Status

It is possible to check the Order Status in the Order Summary tab. You can get important information by hovering over the icons in the Status Column.

There are five icons in total; here are the definitions for each of them:

  • Blue. E-Commerce is processing the Order.

  • Yellow. The Salesperson is processing the Order.

  • Green. The Sales Department confirmed the Order.

  • Orange. The Salesperson is reprocessing the Order.

  • Red. The Salesperson voided the Order.

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Manually Mark Boxes as Scanned

The system allows you to mark boxes as Completely Scanned within an order instead of scanning them manually with a scan gun. You must enable the setting by going to Setup > Users to do this. We recommend activating this for specific Users.

Follow these instructions to activate the setting for a User and to mark products as scanned:

Step one: Enable Manually Marking Orders as Scanned 

To activate the setting, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Setup and select the Users tab.

  2. Click Search, input the Name of the User you are activating the setting for, then click Search. This searches the specific User and retrieves their profile.

  3. Edit the User's settings. To edit the User's setting, click Edit in the Actions column. This displays a pop-up with all the information from the User, Settings, and Salesperson Codes.

  4. In the pop-up, go to the Settings tab. The settings are divided into four main categories.

  5. Enable the setting. Allow manually marking orders as scanned. The setting is located in the Shipping section; activate it by checking the box next to it and clicking Save. 

Step two: Mark Orders as Scanned

To mark Orders as Scanned, follow these instructions:

  1. Go to Shipping and select the Order Summary tab.

  2. Click on the Search button. This expands the Search box where you can fill out the sorting information. Search for the Order you want to Mark as Scanned.

  3. Mark as Scanned. To do this, go to the Actions column and click on the Checkmark icon; hovering over it will display a message that says Mark as Scanned. This opens a pop-up asking for confirmation.

  4. Click on Yes, proceed. You have successfully marked the Order as scanned.

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