This option allows entering AWBs in advance, so vendor users will select the AWBs from a list instead of manually entering the whole number.
AWB Manual Entry Enabled
This setting per vendor allows enable or disable the AWBs manual entry. This option is available in the Vendor Options Setup.
Create Future AWB
1) Go to Grower>AWB summary
2) Click on the link manage AWBs for the future
The system will display the Future AWBs window where the system list the AWBs for the current day and for the future. By going to the Actions column you will be able to edit or delete the AWBs (unless it has boxes already added).
3) Click on Create Future AWB button.
4) The Future AWB window will pop up. Enter the required information and click on Save & New for continue adding AWBs, Save & Close for saving the AWB and return to the previous screen or Close for return without saving the AWB.