Get a Future AWB list

Get a Future AWB list

Use this method to get a list of AWBs previously loaded in the system for the future.

Valid Tokens: Company.

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URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/awb.future.list

Method: GET

Content-Type: URL Parameters

Input parameters

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

awb (required) (number:4)

Last four digits of the AWB.

This parameter is required if shipDate is not provided. 

shipDate (required) (date)

The AWB shipping date.

This parameter is required if awb is not provided.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD 

originCode (optional)(string:5)

The origin code.

Example: UIO, MDE, BOG, etc. 

https://api.kometsales.com/api/awb.future.list? authenticationToken=token_info_goes_here&shipDate=2017-11-15


status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

awbs (array)

An array containing AWBs. 

awbId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal AWB ID.

awb (string:15)

The AWB number.

originCode (string:5)

The origin code.

Example: UIO, MDE, BOG, etc. 

shipDate (date)

The AWB shipping date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

instructions (string:50)

The special instructions for the AWB. 

houses (array)

The array of houses associated with the AWB. 

house (string:20)

The AWB House number.

vendorCode (string:20)

The Vendor code associated with the House number. 

locationCode (string:20)

The Location code associated with the House number.

Only applies to Multi-Location Companies. 

instructions (string:50)

The special instructions entered for the House number.  

{ "status" : 1, "message" : "OK", "awbs" : [ { "awbId" : 148807, "awb" : "234-2367-0983", "originCode" : "UIO", "shipDate" : "2017-11-15", "instructions" : "awb changed, previous AWB 4567", "houses" : [ { "house" : "CM-93242111", "vendorCode" : "ABC", "locationCode" : "06", "instructions" : "use for customer HJS" }, { "house" : "CM-3242378", "vendorCode" : "HUJ", "locationCode" : "09", "instructions" : "use for customer JAB" } ] }, { "awbId" : 1013767, "awb" : "991-0182-0765", "originCode" : "UIO", "shipDate" : "2017-11-15", "instructions" : "", "houses" : [ { "house" : "CM-8761522", "vendorCode" : "DEG", "locationCode" : "06", "instructions" : "" }, { "house" : "CM-76152033", "vendorCode" : "KLL", "locationCode" : "09", "instructions" : "" } ] } ] }


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