Get an AWB list

Get an AWB list

Use this method to get an AWB list.

Valid Tokens: Company.


URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/awb.list

Method: GET

Content-Type: URL Parameters

Input parameters

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

awb (required) (number:4)

The last four digits of the AWB.

This filter is required if shipDate is not provided. 

shipDate (required) (date)

The AWB ship date

Date format YYYY-MM-DD

This filter is required if awb is not provided. 

originCode (optional)(string:5)

The origin code.

Example: UIO, MDE, or BOG.

locationCode (optional)(string:10)

The AWB Location code.

Only applies to Multi-Location companies. 

https://api.kometsales.com/api/awb.list? authenticationToken=token_info_goes_here&shipDate=2016-02-15


status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

awbs (array)

An array of AWBs.

awbId (integer:20)

The Komet Sales internal AWB ID number.

awb (string:15)

The AWB number.

origin (string:5)

The origin code.

Example: UIO, MDE, or BOG. 

shipDate (date)

The AWB ship date.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

arrivalDate (date)

The Warehouse arrival date.

Date format YYYY-MM-DD

pieces (integer:10)

The number of Boxes in the AWB.

piecesReceived (integer:10)

The number of Boxes scanned as received by the Warehouse. 

boxesCodes (string:500)

The Box code of boxes in the AWB. Each code is separated by a comma. 

locationCode (string:20)

The AWB Location code.

Only applies to Multi-Location companies. 

status (integer: 0)

The AWB status.

Valid values: 1 = Open | 0 = Closed

{ "status" : 1, "message" : "OK", "awbs" : [ { "awbId" : 148807, "awb" : "234-2367-0983", "origin" : "UIO", "shipDate" : "2016-02-15", "arrivalDate" : "2016-02-18", "pieces" : 3, "piecesReceived" : 2, "boxesCodes" : "KS2342342,KS0284353,KS3450923", "locationCode" : "06", "status" : 1 }, { "awbId" : 142817, "awb" : "092-0234-8762", "origin" : "UIO", "shipDate" : "2016-02-15", "arrivalDate" : "2016-02-18", "pieces" : 3, "piecesReceived" : 2, "boxesCodes" : "KS2542342,KS098412,KS3450956", "locationCode" : "06", "status" : 1 }, { "awbId" : 1423207, "awb" : "234-2342-0901", "origin" : "UIO", "shipDate" : "2016-02-15", "arrivalDate" : "2016-02-18", "pieces" : 3, "piecesReceived" : 2, "boxesCodes" : "KS2342309,KS0284387,KS3450996", "locationCode" : "06", "status" : 1 } ] }


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