Get a detailed list of Customer Credits
Use this method to get a detailed Customer credit list.
Valid Tokens: Company.
Related Articles
Add Credit Reasons (Knowledge Base)
How to Issue a Customer Credit (Knowledge Base)
Process a Refund (Knowledge Base)
Apply Open Credits to a Payment (Knowledge Base)
Common Actions with Credits (Knowledge Base)
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/JSON
Input parameters
authenticationToken (required)(string:50)
Komet Sales security token.
creditDateFrom (required)(date)
Credit starting date.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
creditDateTo (required)(date)
Credit expiring date.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
itemType (required)(string)
The item type.
Valid values: box | UN (unit) | HG (Hard Goods) | all
status (optional)(integer:1)
Credit status.
If this field is empty, the system will return every credit order for the used filters.
Valid values: 1 = New | 2 = Pending Review | 3 = Approved | 4 = Rejected | 5 = Resubmitted
customer (optional)(string:200)
Customer name or code.
customerId (optional)(integer:20)
Customer ID. Use this field to search orders related to a specific Customer.
You can get this value from the customer.list API method.
carrierName (optional)(string:200)
Carrier name.
carrierId (optional)(integer:20)
Carrier ID. Use this field to search orders related to a specific Carrier.
You can get this value from the carrier.list API method.
product (optional)(string:200)
Product description.
number (optional)(integer:10)
Credit Order number, this number is the same as the Invoice number.
locationId (optional)(integer:20)
Location ID. This filter is used if your company is Multi Location.
You can get this value from the location.list API method.
externalSystemSynced (optional)(boolean)
Search credits by synchronization status.
Valid values: 1 = Synchronized Credits | 0 = Pending Synchronization
"authenticationToken": "token_info_goes_here",
"creditDateFrom": "2021-01-01",
"creditDateTo": "2021-01-31"
status (integer:1)
Transaction status. 1 = Success | 0 = Failure
message (string:500)
Transaction status description.
credits (array)
An array containing Customer Credits.
id (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Credit ID.
creditNumber (string:10)
Credit number.
customerId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Customer ID.
customerName (string:200)
Customer name.
shipDate (date)
Order shipping date.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
orderNumber (integer:10)
Order number associated to the credit.
carrierId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Carrier ID.
carrierName (string:200)
Carrier name.
salesPersonId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal salesperson ID.
salesPersonName (string:200)
Invoice salesperson name.
customerSalesPersonName (string:200)
Name of the salesperson associated to the Customer.
locationId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Location ID.
locationName (string:200)
Location name.
customerPONumber (string:20)
Customer PO #.
totalBoxesOrder (decimal:10,2)
Number of boxes sold in the order.
totalOrder (decimal:10,2)
Total amount of the order.
Calculated with: Flowers Sale + Additional Charges + Taxes
totalCredit (decimal:10,2)
Total credit amount.
returnedTax (decimal:10,2)
Reimbursed tax.
approvedDate (date)
Credit approval date.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
externalSystemSynced (boolean)
If the credit is synchronized with an external system.
Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = No
syncDate (datetime)
Date and time when the credit was synchronized with an external system.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD'T'hh:mm:ss
Time zone is GMT.
status (string:20)
Credit status.
additionalChargesDetails (array)
An array containing additional charges in the credit.
name (string:200)
Additional charge name.
amount (decimal:10,2)
Additional charge credit amount.
accountingCode (string:20)
Additional charge accounting code.
details (array)
An array containing order details.
detailId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Credit item ID.
awb (string:20)
AWB number.
productId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Product ID.
productDescription (string:200)
Product description.
categoryAccountingCode (string:20)
Category accounting code.
growerId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Vendor ID.
growerName (string:200)
Vndor or Grower name.
boxTypeId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Box Type ID.
boxType (string:3)
Box Type code.
quantityBoxes (integer:10)
Number of boxes sold in the invoice line.
flowerSales (decimal:10,2)
Flower sales.
creditUnits (integer:10)
Number of units in the credit.
creditAmount (decimal:10,2)
Flower credit total amount.
creditReasons (string:500)
Specified credit reason list.
supportDocuments (array)
An array of support documents associated with the credit.
description (string:200)
Credit document name.
documentUrl (URL)
Credit document public URL.
detailsUnits (array)
An array containing order unit details.
detailId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Credit item ID.
awb (string:20)
AWB number.
productId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal product ID.
productDescription (string:200)
Product description.
categoryAccountingCode (string:20)
Category accounting code.
growerId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Vendor ID.
growerName (string:200)
Vendor or Grower name.
totalUnits (integer:10)
Number of Units sold in the Invoice line.
flowerSales (decimal:10,2)
Flower sales.
unitCost (decimal:10,2)
Unit cost.
creditUnits (integer:10)
Number of units in the credit.
creditAmount (decimal:10,2)
Flower credit total amount.
creditReasons (string:500)
List of specified credit reasons.
comments (array)
An array containing additional comments.
comment (string:500)
Comment text.
createdBy (string:200)
Name of the user that posted the comment.
createdOn (date)
Date when the comment was posted.
Date format: YYYY-MM-DD
hardGoodsDetails (array)
Array containing hard goods credit details.
creditId (integer)
Credit ID.
hardGoodCompanyProductId (integer)
Product ID.
productDescription (string)
Product name/description.
sku (integer)
Stock Keeping Unit.
growerId (integer)
Grower ID.
growerName (string)
Grower Name.
quantity (integer)
Product amount.
pack (integer)
Product pack.
totalUnits (integer)
Total units.
amount (float)
Total unit amount.
creditUnits (integer)
Credit units.
creditAmount (float)
Credit amount.
returnToInventory (boolean)
Return product to inventory.
Valid values: True | False
creditReasons (string)
Credit reason description.
message": "OK",
"status": 1,
"credits": [
"id": 452456,
"creditNumber": "CM000062",
"creditDate": "2019-06-19",
"orderNumber": 3234,
"customerId": 29560,
"customerName": "Customer 1",
"shipDate": "2018-04-12",
"carrierId": 1360,
"carrierName": "Trucking Line",
"salesPersonId": 793,
"salesPersonName": "Carlos Restrepo",
"customerSalesPersonName": "",
"locationId": 3,
"locationName": "Quito",
"customerPONumber": "",
"totalBoxesOrder": 1,
"totalOrder": 196.64,
"totalCredit": 145.22,
"returnedTax": 0,
"approvedDate": "2018-04-12",
"syncDate": "",
"externalSystemSynced": 0,
"status": "Approved",
"details": [
"detailId": 913904,
"awb": "000-2018-2303",
"productId": 235212,
"productDescription": "Achillea Lila",
"growerId": 29702,
"growerName": "FLOWERS ABC",
"boxTypeId": 2302,
"boxType": "SLV",
"quantityBoxes": 1,
"flowerSales": 2.64,
"creditUnits": 1,
"creditAmount": 0.22,
"creditReasons": "Dehydrated, Not Shipped",
"accountingCode": "1212"
"detailsUnits": [
"detailId": 3853,
"productId": 235212,
"productDescription": "Achillea Lila",
"categoryAccountingCode": "1232",
"totalUnits": 12,
"flowerSales": 144,
"unitCost": 0,
"creditUnits": 12,
"creditAmount": 144
"comments": [
"comment": "testcredit",
"createdBy": "Manuel Guerrero",
"createdOn": "2018-04-12"
"additionalChargesDetails": []