Get a list of accounts associated to a Customer

Use this method to get a list of accounts associated with a Customer.

Valid tokens: User. 



Method: GET

Content-Type: URL Parameters

X-ACCOUNT (required)(integer:20)

Company ID that is using the API.

Please ask the Komet Sales team for this ID. 

Input parameters

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token. authenticationToken=token_info_goes_here


message (String)

Transaction status description.

status (integer:1)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

customerResult (array)

An array containing the Customers associated to the User. 

userId (integer: 20)

Komet Sales Internal User ID. 

customerName (string: 200)

Customer name.

customerId (integer: 20)

Customer ID.

companyName (string: 200)

Company name.

companyId (integer: 20)

Company ID.

{ "status": 1, "customerResult": [ { "userId": 761, "customerName": "ACADEMY FLORIST OPERATIONS", "customerId": 8927, "companyId": 7233, "companyName": "ABC Flowers Company" } ] }