Add a new product to the Hard Goods Inventory

Use this method to create new Hard-Goods Products in the Product Setup screen.

Valid Tokens: Company.

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Method: POST

Content-Type: application/JSON


authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

Input Parameters

category (required)(string:200)

Product category name.

subcategory (required)(string)

Product sub-category name.

description (required)(string:200)

Product description.

color (optional)(string:200)

Product color.

activePerItem (optional)(boolean:1)

If the product is active.

Valid values: 1 = Active | 0 = Inactive

vendorId (optional)(integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Vendor ID for the product that you are updating.

Required if vendorCode is not sent.

You can get this value from the vendor.list API method.

vendorCode (optional)(string:15)

The Vendor code that you want to update.

Required if vendorId is not sent.

You can get this value from the vendor.list API method.

sku (required)(string:15)

SKU code.

caseUPC (optional)(string:15)

Case UPC code.

unitUPC (optional)(string:15)

Unit UPC code.

packSize (required)(integer:5)

The number of units per pack.

unitCost (required)(decimal: 10,2)

The cost per unit.

unitPrice (optional)(decimal: 10,2)

The unit price.

unitPriceMarkup (optional)(decimal: 10,2)

The unit price markup.

discount (optional)(decimal: 10,2)

Total discount in percentage.

qtyForDiscount (optional)(integer)

Minimum number of boxes the customer must buy to get a discount.

activePerVendor (boolean:1)

If the Vendor is active.

Valid values: 1 = Yes | 0 = No

{ "category": "Ribbon", "subcategory": "Special", "description": "Blue ribbon", "activePerItem ": 1, "vendorId": 6322, "sku": "JGBT", "packSize": "1", "unitCost": 2.22, "activePerVendor": "1" }


status (integer:1)

Transaction status. 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

message (string:500)

Transaction status description.

productId (integer:20)

Komet Sales internal product ID.

{ "message": "Product was successfully saved.", "status": "1", "productId": 145 }