Get an E-Commerce Inventory List

Get an E-Commerce Inventory List

Use this method to get a list of the inventory displayed on the E-Commerce for a specific User.

Valid Tokens: Company and Customer.

The response includes all the inventory lists based on the company’s setup; On Hand, Future, and Vendor Availability in Boxes.

🔒  Fields with this icon are only available when the token has the Transactional API Access enabled. For more information, read Transactional API Access.

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URL: https://api.kometsales.com/api/ecommerce/inventory.list

Method: GET

Content-type: URL Parameters


X-SALES-CHANNEL (optional)(string:20)

Valid values: "WEB_APP", "MOBILE_APP", "K2K" , "ECOMMERCE_LITE". 

X-ACCOUNT (required)(integer:20)

Company ID that is using the API. Please ask the Komet Sales team to provide this ID. 

authenticationToken (required)(string:50)

Komet Sales security token.

Input parameters

customerId (required)(integer:20)
Customer ID.

Used to search the inventory based on the configuration of the customer.

You can get this value from the customer.list API method.

🔒reservedInventory (optional)(boolean)

Return products based on association to a Customer.

Valid values: True = Products associated to the customerId | False = Products with no Customer associated

Default is false. 

companyLocationId (optional)(integer:20)

Location ID.

Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.

You can get this value from the location.list API method.

availableDate (optional)(date)

The date when the product is available.

If this field is empty, the system searches for available Inventory starting on the current date up to two months in the future.

Use this filter only if you want to search for Open Market inventory.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD.

page (optional)(integer:20)

The paging number where you want to place the product.

If this field is empty, the system returns only the first page with 30 records. 

rows (optional)(integer:20)

The number of rows that each page displays.

If this field is empty, the system will return only 30 records. 

searchText (optional)(string)

A field to search a product by description.

categoryId (optional)(integer:20)

Komet Sales internal Category ID. 

You can get this value from the category.list API method.

color (optional)(string)

Search products by color.

inventoryOrigin (optional)(integer:1)

The number that identifies the type of Inventory.

Valid values: 1 = Open Market | 2 = Future Sales

separateLines (optional)(boolean)

If the system should separate inventory lines one by one or consolidate similar inventory lines into a single line.

Valid values: 1 = Separate lines | 0 = Consolidate lines

🔒includeProductBreakdown (optional)(boolean)

Include the product breakdown information. This includes the product description, product ID, number of bunches, and stems per bunch.

If the product was created through a Recipe, the response will not include the recipe breakdown information.

Valid values: True | False

Default is false.

https://api.kometsales.com/api/ecommerce/inventory.list?customerId={7349}&reservedInventory={true}&page={1}&rows={28}&companyLocationId={13} -H authenticationToken={token_info_goes_here}



total (integer)

Total records found.

inventoryItems (array)

An array containing available products in the Inventory.

id (integer)

Number that identifies the row between all the records of the result.

Starts with 0 and it is auto-incremental.

inventoryLineIds (string)

List of Inventory IDs that belong to the line.

productDescription (string)

Product description.

vendor (string)

Vendor name or code.

quantity (integer)

Number of available boxes.

companyProductId (integer)

Product ID.

companyProductImageLastUpdate (date)

Date when the product image was last updated.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

color (string)

Product color.

variety (string)

Product variety.

price (decimal)

Unit price

units (decimal)

Amount of Stems per Bunch.

bunches (integer)

Amount of Bunches per Box.

pack (integer)

Amount of Units per Box.

totalBunches (Integer)

Total available Bunches.

totalBunches (integer)

Total available Units based on Unit Type.

totalUnits (integer)

Total available Units based on Unit Type.

itemSizeCode (string)

Box-Type code.

category (string)

Product category name.

categoryId (integer)

Category ID.

isAssorted (boolean)

If the product is assorted.

unitType (string)

Unit type.

Valid values: Unit | Stem | Bunch

companyLocationId (integer)

Location ID.

Only applies to Multi-Location Companies.

sellFast (boolean)

If the product is marked as sell fast.

growerOriginCode (string)

Vendor Origin Code.

inventoryOrigin (integer)

Inventory type.

Valid values: 1 = Open Market | 0 = Future Sales

🔒width (decimal)

Box width.

🔒height (decimal)

Box height.

🔒length (decimal)

Box length.

productImageUrl (string)

The product image URL.

availableFrom (date)

Date when the product will be available.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

availableFromCalculated (date)

Date when the product will be available based on the rules applied to the Customer and the date range within the fields availableFrom and availableTo.

availableTo (date)

Date when the product will no longer be available.

Date format: YYYY-MM-DD

unableToBuy (string)

Reason why the product could not be purchased.

carrierId (integer)

Suggested Carrier ID for the first available date.

productCode (string)

Product Legacy Code.

You can get this value from the product.list API method.

categoriesList (array)

Array containing the available categories in the Inventory.

categoryId (integer)

Category ID.

categoryName (string)

Category name.

kometNetworkId (string)

Komet Network ID number.

kometNetworkName (string)

Komet Network account name.

active (string)

Status of the account in the Komet Network.

colorsList (array)

Array of available products by color.

🔒productBreakdown (array)

Array containing breakdown information.

🔒productDescription (string)

Product description.

🔒productId (integer)

Komet Sales internal Product ID.

🔒bunches (integer)

Number of bunches.

🔒stemsBunch (integer)

Number of stems per bunch.

message (string)

Transaction status description.

status (integer)

Transaction status.

Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure

{ "total": 1, "inventoryItems": [ { "id": "0", "inventoryLineIds": "32677890", "productDescription": "23l2h23 Black", "vendor": "Anthony Vendor", "quantity": 199, "companyProductId": 1355904, "companyProductImageLastUpdate": null, "color": "Black", "variety": "", "price": 8.10, "units": 3, "bunches": 2, "pack": 2, "totalBunches": 398, "totalUnits": 398, "itemSizeCode": "FB", "category": "23l2h23", "categoryId": 42432, "isAssorted": false, "unitType": "Bunch", "companyLocationId": 0, "sellFast": false, "growerOriginCode": "MDE", "inventoryOrigin": 1, "width": 9.0, "height": 9.0, "length": 10.0, "productImageUrl": "", "availableFrom": "2021-11-17", "availableFromCalculated": "2021-11-17", "availableTo": "2021-11-19", "unableToBuy": null, "carrierId": 1719, "productCode": "2341" } ], "categoriesList": [ { "categoryId": 42432, "categoryName": "23l2h23", "kometNetworkId": null, "kometNetworkName": null, "active": null } ], "colorsList": [ "Black", "Blue" ], "productBreakdown": [ { "productDescription": "text for product description", "productId": 99999, "bunches": 10, "stemsBunch": 12 }, { "productDescription": "text for product description", "productId": 99998, "bunches": 8, "stemsBunch": 10 } ] "message": "OK", "status": 1 }



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