Add a Vendor
Use this method to add a Vendor to Komet Sales.
Valid Tokens: Company.
Delete a Prebook 1.0 (API)
Shipping Schedule by Vendor (Knowledge Base)
Vendors (Knowledge Base)
Vendor Options Setup (Knowledge Base)
Method: POST
Content-Type: application/JSON
Input Parameters
authenticationToken (required)(string:50)
Komet Sales security token.
name (required)(string:200)
Vendor name.
portOrigin (required)(string:5)
Port of Origin code.
vendorType (required)(integer:1)
Vendor type.
Valid values: 1 = Fresh Cut | 2 = Freight & Handling | 3 = Hard Goods
code (optional)(string:10)
Vendor code.
phone1 (optional)(string:20)
Phone number one.
phone2 (optional)(string:20)
Phone number two.
phone3 (optional)(string:20)
Phone number three.
fax (optional)(string:20)
Fax number.
webPage (optional)(string:50)
Vendor’s website address.
emailForPOs (optional)(string:200)
Email addresses where the system will send the Vendor’s Purchase Orders.
You can enter multiple email addresses separated by semicolons.
contactName (optional)(string:50)
Contact person’s name.
notes (optional)(string:200)
Additional notes or comments that you want to associate with the vendor.
street (optional)(string:200)
Vendor’s street address.
city (optional)(string:50)
Vendor’s city.
state (optional)(string:50)
Vendor’s state.
zipcode (optional)(string:10)
Vendor’s ZIP code.
country (optional)(string:50)
Vendor’s country.
"authenticationToken": "token_info_goes_here",
"name": "Flores ABC",
"portOrigin": "BOG",
"code": "ABC",
"phone1": "054 474 3222",
"phone2": "054 474 3223",
"emailForPos": ""
status (integer:1)
Transaction status.
Valid values: 1 = Success | 0 = Failure
message (string:500)
Transaction status description.
vendorId (integer:20)
Komet Sales internal Vendor ID.
"status": "1",
"message": "The Vendor was successfully saved.",
"vendorId": 234234