Reopen AWBs
Reopen AWBs
In this article, you will learn how to use the system to track AWBs, open them, set arrival dates, and check their status.
User Roles: Admin and Tracking.
Open an AWB
Sometimes, changes may be necessary after an AWB has been closed.
To reopen an AWB and make changes, do the following instructions:
Go to Tracking > AWB Summary.
Search the AWB number needed.
Once it appears, go to the "Actions Column" > Click on the arrow button > Select the option Open.
The AWB will reopen you can make any necessary changes.
Related Articles
AWB Notes (Knowledge Base)
AWB Summary - Export to Excel (Knowledge Base)
Inbound Truck Reconciliation (Knowledge Base)
Inbound Truck Summary (Knowledge Base)
Print Labels from the AWB Summary (Knowledge Base)